Creating a Repeatable MDF Program

Best Practices for Consistent Partner Engagement Market Development Funds (MDF) are…

Maximizing Partner Engagement During Summer

Innovative Strategies for Success Charles Bowen said, "Summertime is always the…

Measuring for Success

How to Identify and Track the Right Metrics Your business thrives when you…

How AI is Revolutionizing Channel Marketing Strategies

  As channel companies seek ways to optimize their marketing strategies and…

Partner Onboarding Part Two: An Investigation into Task Completion

Partner Onboarding: Task Completion Building upon our previous research on partner…

Zift Solutions at Channel Focus Virtual 2024

We are proud Platinum sponsor of Channel Focus Virtual 2024, April 17-18! If you…

5 Ways to Boost Revenue through Strategic Partner Marketing

Introduction In today's ever-evolving business landscape, establishing and…

Investment with Market Development Funds (MDF) and Beyond for Partners

Historically, vendors make investments in channel programs and partners with…

2024 Success Guide: Top 5 Strategies for Professional Growth in the New Year

Are you ready to make 2024 your most organized and productive year yet? We all…

Breaking Down Channel Events: Where to Go, What to Do, and How to Make the Most of It

Let's journey back to 1979 when COMDEX (the Computer Dealers Exposition) marked the…

A Guide to Channel Events Execution

An effective event strategy requires careful planning, resource allocation, and…

AI in Channel Marketing: What You Need to Know

The world of channel marketing is on the cusp of a revolution, and the driving…

Evolving With the Ecosystem: Is With-Partner Marketing Up for the Challenge?

We often talk about to-partner marketing, where suppliers create materials and…

Partner Onboarding 101: Tips for Building Lasting Partnerships

Effective channel partner onboarding is the cornerstone of successful partnerships.…

7 Tips for a Successful Partner Ecosystem Strategy

Partner ecosystems are growing in popularity, with almost a third of total global…

5 Key Metrics for Effective Channel Partner Engagement

When it comes to channel business partnerships, success hinges on more than just…

RevOps, Explained

Revenue Operations (RevOps) is a relatively new approach to doing business, but…

Sharing is Caring: The Importance of Data-Driven Collaboration

In our engagements, we often see vendors missing a critical boat: They don’t share…

How Building Materials Companies can Maximize the ROI of their Marketing Programs

In the building materials industry, marketing is critical for generating brand…

5 Keys for Building Materials Manufacturers to Build Partnerships and Maximize Sales

Maximizing Sales Through Distributors In order to be successful in the building…

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Has Changed Channel Marketing in 2023

Marketing, and by extension channel marketing, has undergone a radical…

3 Channel Marketing Mistakes Building Material Manufacturing Companies Make and How to Avoid Them

You have a good product, but your sales aren’t growing. You are calling on the…

Breaking Ground: Launching Disruptive Products in the Building Material Manufacturing Industry

Creating a truly innovative, disruptive product is the Holy Grail for any company,…

Personalizing Dealer Portals

Personalizing Dealer Portals for Building Material Manufacturers

Your building materials partners’ sales people are, in a very real sense, the face…

printed data chart with office accessories in top

How Do Partner Programs Create High-Quality Channel Marketing Programs?

Setting up a channel marketing strategy to successfully motivate partners is one of…

chess board

Getting the Right Balance: To-, Through-, and For-Partner Channel Marketing Strategies

Originally Published: February 22, 2022 Without a tie-in to overarching…

blog posts

Introducing Portal Posts

To-partner communications is key to building partner engagement and to making sure…

laptop on table with coffee cup

ZiftONE Expands Digital Communication

New Co-Brandable Videos, Improved Through-Partner Social Media and To-Partner…

Monthly View of Social Media posts

Product Update: Social Media Administration

Looking for a way to help your partners gain followers, sell your products, and…

hand hovering about red button

8 Fundamentals of Through-Channel Marketing Automation

Through-channel marketing is vital to sales partner relationship…

Virtual Events Zift Solutions

Create a New Relationship Avenue with Virtual Events

As we’ve all seen, COVID-19 has drastically changed the landscape of the channel.…

male and female looking at laptop

Zift Solutions’ Virtual Event Campaigns Integrate the Webinar Experience

CARY, N.C. – Jan. 18, 2022 – Zift Solutions, a leading provider of partner…

female looking through binoculars

How to Build Your 2022 Forecast: Go Ask Your Customers!

Picture this: You’re a salesperson. Your sales manager has given you marching…

hands placing puzzle pieces together

Speaking of Value-Add: What Differentiates Your Product

It’s one of the oldest concepts in the channel: Distinguish yourself from the…

2021 wooden blocks

The Questions to Ask for Channel Partner Success in 2022

Time now for partying, presents, and planning. Holiday season, yes, but also the…

best channel programs

7 Ways the Best Channel Programs are Budgeting for 2022

Simplified, effective budgeting can be achieved when the right tools power…

building drawings

The Key to Your Channel Marketing Strategy? Preparation

It’s a four-letter word many people don’t like to hear used, but it’s critical to…

10 Steps to Achieve Channel Marketing and Sales Alignment

10 Steps to Achieve Channel Marketing and Sales Alignment for Your B2B Company

Sales and marketing alignment increases the power of marketing’s…

knocking over dominoes

Built for Success: Sales and Marketing Alignment Best Practices from Channel Leaders

Sales and marketing alignment is a challenging but worthwhile pursuit…

building with bight lights

How to Create a Channel Partner Marketing Program: 7 Steps to Increase Pipeline

Successful channel marketing doesn’t just happen. It takes planning,…

playing chess

11 Channel Marketing Best Practices to Engage Partners and Earn Mindshare

Ah, channel partners—you gotta love ’em. They bring your company business on a…

planes in sky

Mergers, Not Acquisitions: 5 Marketing and Sales Alignment Strategies

Honing marketing and sales alignment strategies can better serve Chief Revenue…


Lead by Example: How to Help Your Partners Achieve Sales and Marketing Alignment

If you aren’t asking it yet, there’s a crucial question to begin raising with your…

American football teams facing off

Why Your Channel Marketing Collateral Isn’t Working For Your Partners

How many partners do you have in the NFL cities? How do you think their customers…

male and female holding up 2021 balloons

Proving Your Channel’s Value in 2021 – Your Questions Answered

On December 10th, Zift teamed up with the experts at Vistex & AchieveUnite to…

Zift Blog Background

10 Channel Strategies to Drive Higher Sales & Marketing ROI

There really is no precedent one can draw an analogy from to describe the level of…

wind turbines

Tracking the Winds of Change in Growth Marketing

When I joined my first SaaS marketing organization, the winds of Predictable…

3 glow in the dark plugs

How to Amp Up Partner Engagement Now

The channel is always changing. But it’s changing faster than ever (along with the…

sergeant screaming at bootcamp

Back to Boot Camp for the Channel

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the channel landscape. Before COVID,…

newspaper featuring coronavirus headline

The 3 Cs of To-Partner Communications Amid COVID-19

I learned a new word this week: Infodemic. It’s officially defined as, “An…

dreamcatcher with sunset in the background

Lead Generation Keeping You Up at Night? Your Dream Channel Strategy is Waiting

We’ve all had nights where we lie awake, full of questions. Did I leave the oven…

pink cup labeled

Up Your Partner Enablement Game with EQ Nurturing

According to Forbes, 70% of global revenue is traveling through third-party…

ice sculptures of characters from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

The Island of Misfit ChanTech Toys: Scenes from SiriusDecisions Tech Exchange 2019

Most of us have attended a tech tradeshow. Row upon row of nearly identical booths,…

black and white skyline at night

The Rise of Modern Marketing in B2B Channels

Not long ago, partner marketing relied on selling a product to a customer with a…

Englishman in top hat

Channel Onboarding, Engagement, & Services: Lessons from Oxford and London

I have longed to visit the UK for years, particularly Oxford and London. These…

suitcases stacked close together

How Campaign Management Can Save Time & Resources

Have you ever been in charge of putting all the pieces of luggage in the car for a…

Boy on ladder reaching into cloudy sky

AchieveUnite, Channel Acceleration & the Lifetime Value of Partners

Our Zift Zone Strategic Alliance Program has some standout channel leaders in its…

Pilot's view over a city

Rethinking To-Through-For-Channel Marketing

For several years as a research analyst focused on B2B channels, I conducted dozens…

Sage's Kerstin Demko speaking in front of a slide that reads

SiriusDecisions Highlights: Leading the Changing Channel

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” – John C.…

escalator with backlit lighting

UX Best Practices for the Channel

Sign into the solutions or platform you’re using to manage your channel program.…

shows Citrix and Cisco won 2019 Program of the Year Award at SiriusDecisions Summit

Views from the Summit: The Best of Channel Marketing

One of the best parts about working at Zift is celebrating our customer successes!…

Microphone in a colorfully lit room

Make Yourself Heard: The Importance of Social Media Branding

Having a social media presence as a business is a no-brainer. The influx of…

Flying in a Plane

SEO in 2019: 4 Paths to Success

It’s 2019, and SEO strategies have changed (for the better). Gone are the days of…

Bridge to City

Email Deliverability: How to Land in Contacts’ Inboxes

You draft. You revise. You test. And test again. And test some more, just for good…

Chinese lanterns in a marketplace

WeChat: The Social Media Giant You Should Be Paying Attention To

“So, what’s the deal with WeChat?” That was the question among coworkers and I…

Black and white photo of two men blocking with boxing gloves

Misalignment Mayhem: Defeat Your Channel Challenges

What problems are hitting your channel program hard? Do you feel up against the…

artist with paintings

The Art of Social Listening

You’ve got your social media accounts set up on the usual suspects: Twitter,…

Plane flying over mountains

Think Again: Using Predictive Analytics and ABM to Your Advantage

How can you implement Account-Based Marketing (ABM) and make smarter, more…

Woman holding phone with ocean behind her

Not So Dazed and Confused: Refining Your Messaging to Partners and Customers

We’ve all received a text and immediately thought to ourselves, “What?” Just that:…

Two men overlooking city through fog and taking photos with cellphones

5 Examples of Click-worthy Trends for Partner Communications

Writing content partners will actually engage with is harder than it sounds,…

Photo of office buildings rising into clouds from ground up

5 Marketing Best Practices for Your Channel Program

Recently, I presented at Viavi’s Americas Partner meeting, and I’ll be covering…

Man standing in front of white semi truck

When Trucking Meets B2B Marketing

Breaker one-nine, this here's the Rubber Duck, You got a copy on me Pigpen? C'mon.…

Framework for a building against a purple sunset

Keep in Touch: The Importance of Launching Campaigns When Rebranding

  Technology innovations and the expanding global economy have led to rapid…

Man in gray suit with a brown watch with his hands in his pockets

Two Sides, One Reality: Overcoming Branding Changes in the Channel

  Marketing isn’t easy in B2B channels.  Branding efforts can be even tougher.…

Person pointing to papers on desk with pen surrounded by reports, a coffee, and a computer

Channel Visions: Partner Engagement & ROI

  If there’s one thing marketers are passionate about, it’s data to back up…

Wooden circle with wooden dowels poking through

Marketing Misalignment in Manufacturing: Lessons Learned from the MAPI Summit

  I recently had the opportunity to lead a series of round-table discussions…

Hand holding compass out in front of evergreen tree

Three Tips to Navigate the Changing Channel

  If you’ve been in channel marketing for more than a couple of years, you’ve…

Orange basketball sitting on dark gray concrete

One and Done? Not in Channel Marketing

  As the NCAA Final Four draws to a close with the National Championship…

Blank laptop and notebook with pen sitting on wooden desk

The Importance of Providing Partners with Relevant, Engaging Content

  Channel marketing has undergone a dramatic transformation in recent years.…

Man facing away from camera with arms raised field and mountains in background

Rules of Engagement: Getting and Keeping Partners Engaged

  There exists a type of partner that companies dream of working with  - the…

Person in blue shirt holding purple grapes

Five Tips to Organically Grow Your List

The lynchpin of a good digital marketing campaign is your list. The hunt for new…

Two spoonfuls of spices

Digital Advertising KPIs: Your Keys to Measuring Performance

No matter what content you create and/or what platforms you are using, setting…

Pocket watch with exposed gears and Roman numerals against brown leather background

Time is Money: Why Channel Tools Matter

Tegile Systems knows how to build and sustain strong channel partner relationships…

Venetian Ceiling

SiriusDecisions Summit 2017: Must See Channel Sessions

We just touched down in Vegas and are ready to roll at SiriusDecisions Summit 2017.…

Brown leather shoes on wooden floor

Filling Some Big Shoes

Channel Chatter welcomes Channel Marketing Expert, Mike Gallagher as a guest…

Dart board with dart in the bullseye

Part 2: Overcoming Account Based Marketing Obstacles in the Channel

In my previous Channel Chatter post, I explained why Account-Based Marketing (ABM)…

Wrought iron gate with dirt street and trees in the background

Overcoming Account-Based Marketing Obstacles in the Channel (Part 1 of 2)

The Holy Grail of sales has long been the warm lead. It’s far easier to sell to…

Hot air balloon floating low over a lake at night with moon in the background

One is the Loneliest Number

  At a recent event, I overheard a supplier talking about demand creation and…

Tablet, electronic pen, and keyboard against yellow background

The Manufacturing CMO ‘Must-Do’ List [Infographic]

When you’re already behind the curve, there’s no time for a traditional ‘To-Do’…

Photo of person's hands holding phone taking photo of a mural

Blending the Art & Science of Digital Marketing

Blending the art and the science of digital media marketing means staying ahead of…

Hose spraying water for plants in background

Want to Grow Your Leads? Automate, Automate, Automate

Leads are the lifeblood of your business, the fertile soil in which revenue grows.…

Stack of hand written letters

A Manifesto for Marvelous Marketing Analytics Reporting

Today’s marketers are swimming in data from multiple sources, including their CRM,…

Crystal ball on post outside with inverted sky and ground in ball, and blurry sky and ground in background

Demystifying the Digital Advertising Channel

While digital advertising as a viable marketing tool has been around for years now,…

Typewriter, record, and scrabble pieces on wooden desk

Writers of the Lost Art: Email Subject Lines

The email subject line.  It’s what stands between you and your beloved reader.…

Group of cyclists from behind crossing a white bridge

The Shrinking Sales Cycle: How to Win the Online Content Game

The beloved sales cycle -- the time it takes someone to move from the Awareness…

Two people walking on rail road tracks surrounded by trees and fog

Content Marketing & The Buyer’s Journey

What if you could target each of your partners' customers -- not just based on…

Person drawing PPC graphics

What Makes Them Click? Digital Ads in a Noisy World

Eighty percent of smartphone owners check their phones each morning before brushing…

Herd of wildebeest in the plains

Channel Marketing Enablement: Moving the Herd

In Laz’s latest Channel Chatter post, he highlights key points from his new…

Man presenting a slide that reads

Top 10 TED Talks for Marketers & Connecting with People

TED talks are a great source of inspiration and knowledge. Though they only became…

Man holding out hand with graphic of lightbulb, target, and charts floating around

Why Channel Sales Leaders Should Care About Channel Marketing Automation

For the past several years as a research analyst, I had a front-row seat watching…

Calendar with pins in it

6 Steps to Consider Before Purchasing & Implementing a TCMA Solution

At Zift, I get the opportunity to work closely with organizations interested in…

Woman typing on laptop

Does Blogging Still Fit in Today’s Marketing Mix?

Blogging was one of the first digital marketing tactics to really take off. In…

People meeting graphic

Successful Channel Marketing Begins with an Effective Marketing Campaign & Collaboration

While the lion's share of pressure to generate sales typically falls to the channel…

Sunny day at the beach with people walking on the sand in the distance

5 Reasons Your Marketing Should Be Denied a Summer Vacation

While we hope your marketing team is enjoying some deserved vacation time this…

Pokemon-Go game being played

What Channel Marketers Can Learn from Pokémon Go

Image source: The VergeBehavior is a funny thing. Marketers know this as well as…

Person answering emails on laptop with cup of tea next to them

Your Email Marketing Journey and the Danger of Being Blacklisted [Infographic]

Cisco recently published the infographic “What’s Your Online Health and…

Graphic of hands opening letter with multiple other graphics conveying information sharing surrounding it

Channel Organizations: Why You Need to Market Your Marketing

In both B2B and B2C marketing arenas, channel marketers often have to work with a…

Hand surrounded by sticky notes about social media

More Social Media Savvy: The Other Content that Drives Results

Mixing up the types of content you use can be an effective way to re-energize your…

White and shades of blue graphics of men and women covering black background

How to Maximize Your Social Media Channel Efforts

Choosing the right social media channel for your marketing efforts involves…

Illustrated graphic of man typing on laptop with coffee, rolled up papers, and a notebook

6 Email Marketing Best Practices to Generate More Leads

Why is my email open rate so low? Why aren’t my email campaigns producing any…

Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada sign against sunset

Making the Most of the Modern Marketing Experience

Zift’s President and CEO Ken Romley, along with our resident Oracle Marketing Cloud…

Sign saying sales and marketing against glass building

4 Ways to Align your Sales and Marketing Teams

Does your organization suffer from a tenuous relationship between your sales and…

Yellow speech box paper with the word 'content' cut out of it on black background

Channel Marketing Success Cornerstone #3: Content Development & Execution

Zift’s latest eBook uncovers The 4 Cornerstones of Channel Marketing Success. In…

Laptop open to app options with mural in background

How Often Should You Update or Rebuild Your Website?

You’d be hard-pressed to come across a business in 2016 that does not have their…

Rocks stacked in river with mountains and cloudy sky in background

The 4 Cornerstones of Channel Marketing Automation Success (Part 1 of 4)

Channel Marketing Automation (CMA) promises a host of benefits, from time savings…

Illustrated graphic of man connecting dots

What Are Your Website Analytics Telling You?

In today’s digital world, there is data surrounding almost everything you do as a…

Empty stadium seating at baseball field with blue chairs

Stepping into the Social Media Arena with Confidence

Zift welcomes guest blogger, Stacy Madden, Marketing Manager of Greenlight Group, a…

Photo of cup of pens, a yellow mug, and an Apple Desktop

Email Marketing: 7 Tips to Help You Avoid the Dreaded Spam Filter

NOTE: Read this blog post in its entirety once for yourself, the “savvy email…

Photo of New York Times Square

Adapt or Die: How Retargeting Is Helping to Evolve Channel Marketing

Is it a bit coincidental that almost every website you're visiting is advertising…

Illustrated graphic of hand tapping phone and many emails flying from it

4 Common Email Marketing Mistakes SMBs Make (And How to Fix Them!)

Contact lists can make or break your email campaign. So maintaining a healthy…

Hand writing with a pink marker on paperwork that is on a table

How to Prove the Value of Social Media Marketing

As a marketer, it can be difficult to prove the value of your social media…

Graphic describing trying, trying again, and then success

Marketing Iteration Intelligence: If At First You Don’t Succeed

“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again,” or, in marketing terms, if your…

Cartoon of men discussing strategy

3 Simple Steps for Solving the Partner Content Conundrum

  When channel partners clamor for content, Content Syndication can seem like…

Wall of clay sculpted faces

The Power of Many

We are pleased to have Laurel Burton, Vice President of Marketing at Faction, as a…

Calendar open with coffee mug filled with coffee sitting on it

Marketing Win-Wins Take Careful Planning and Expert Advice

One of the hot topics I've been hearing a lot about this year has been how to make…

Person holding phone open to Instagram up against city background

Channel Visions: Making Channel Marketing Work with Heather K. Margolis, CEO of Channel Maven (Part 3 of 3)

In Part 3 of this Channel Chatter series, we continue sharing highlights from our…

Three people laughing around a table with laptops

Channel Visions: Making Channel Marketing Work with Heather K. Margolis, CEO of Channel Maven (Part 2 of 3)

In Part 2 of this Channel Chatter series, we continue sharing highlights from our…

Person typing on laptop with notebook and cup of coffee

Channel Visions: Making Channel Marketing Work with Heather K. Margolis, CEO of Channel Maven (Part 1 of 3)

In this Channel Chatter series, we’ll deliver highlights from our recent interview…

Laptop with emails surrounded by potted plants and next to a cup of tea

Why Did My Email Campaign Fail?

With the digital world rapidly moving, it’s no surprise that the quantity of emails…

Photo of city at night

High Performance Channel Marketing Secret #6: Work Where Your Partners Work

Zift’s latest eBook is Unlocking the 6 Secrets of High Performance Channel…

Measuring tapes

High Performance Channel Marketing Secret #5: Count on Measurement

Zift’s latest eBook is Unlocking the 6 Secrets of High Performance Channel…

Man in suit on phone

High Performance Channel Marketing Secret #4: Provide Campaigns to Existing Base

Zift’s latest eBook is Unlocking the 6 Secrets of High Performance Channel…

Headphones with multi-colored painted bricks in background

VerticalX Podcast: Best Practice Channel Marketing

I recently had the opportunity to join hosts Sterling Bailey and Marilyn Cox as a…

Colorful tents lit up at night

High Performance Channel Marketing Secret #3: Evangelize Modern Marketing

Zift’s latest eBook is Unlocking the 6 Secrets of High Performance Channel…

Chess set

High Performance Channel Marketing Secret #2: Support Multi-Tactic Campaigns

Zift’s latest eBook is Unlocking the 6 Secrets of High Performance Channel…

Person writing on roll of paper next to ruler

A Blueprint for Channel Success: Segmenting Partners (Part 1)

Building a successful channel program is a lot like building a house. This blog…

Photo of house with brown roof and blue sky in background

A Blueprint for Channel Success (1 of 4)

Building a successful channel program is a lot like building a house. This blog…

Feet and puddle with puddle reflecting a person, buildings, and a plane flying overhead

High Performance Channel Marketing Secret #1: Classify Partners by Potential

Zift’s latest eBook is Unlocking the 6 Secrets of High Performance Channel…

Hand holding key

Handing Over the Keys

Zift is handing over the keys to success with a new eBook: Unlocking the 6 Secrets…

Imagine written with black and white tile along with a pattern

Making a Mark at Marketo’s 2015 Marketing Nation Summit™

With big name celebrities like John Legend and Arianna Huffington here at the…

Woman running on beach with sunrise in background behind her

Crawl, Walk, Run: A Proven Approach to Channel Marketing Success

I see it happen all the time. A well-intentioned supplier decides this will be the…

Picture of hurdles with people in background running towards them

What Matters Most for High Performance Channel Marketing

I’m pleased to introduce Service Director of Channel Management Strategies for…

Green foliage

7 Secrets of Lead Nurturing Success

Bob Lamkin recently joined Zift Solutions as part of the Marketing Advocate…

Underwater photo of coral and sea stars

A New Era for Channel Sales and Marketing

Our industry is experiencing a new era – and so is Zift Solutions. We recognize…

Plant growing in concrete

Boost SEO with Content Syndication

Content syndication is not only an effective tool for vendors and partners, it can…

Desktop next to potted plant, a lamp, and a clock

Content Syndication: A 360-Degree View of the Channel

With today’s buyers spending nearly 70% of their time doing online research before…

Four people looking at data on phones and tablets

Turning Leads Into Opportunities With Zift

Join us in welcoming guest blogger, Brent Clouse, VP of Marketing for…

Clothes hanging with large calendar in background

One Size Does NOT Fit All: The Vital Importance of Email List Segmentation

Your product or service is the best on the market. You've got a large email…

Man working with others with laptop and notebook in front of him

3 Reasons Why B2B Companies Should Use PPC to Grow Sales [VIDEO]

Is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) a part of your marketing mix? Hopefully you're nodding. If…

Person holding up newspaper against colorful mural

How to Create a Fantastic Email Newsletter in 5 Easy Steps

The inimitable Helen Hayes once said, “We relish news of our heroes, forgetting…

Arrows painted onto wooden boards

How You Can Drive Better Marketing Results by Selecting the Right Tactical Mix

Are you finding it tougher than ever to transform prospects into customers? That’s…

Shadow of number 3 on concrete

3 Key Steps to Building Effective Marketing Campaigns (Part 2 of 4)

As we shared in our previous post, Times have Changed: The Evolution of the Sales…

Phone screen on apps page with black background

Social Media – The Root of Modern Marketing [Infographic]

Tap into your channel partners network using social media Think social media…

Blue ink swirling in water

Bottom Up Approach to Channel Marketing

Businesses today are increasingly placing the responsibility of driving sales on…

Person writing in notebook with laptop, tablet, and coffee cup in front of them

6 Easy SEO Tips for Channel Partners

We understand that most channel partners we work with have limited time and…

Laptop displaying a designer's website

16 Landing Page Tips to Improve UX and Conversions

Last week, we talked about ways to increase leads and conversion rates. This post…

word 'change' written in red neon lights

Have You Changed Your Attitude Toward Content Creation & SEO Yet?

I know; more harping on about content creation. But, many businesses still don’t…

Multi-colored hot air balloons flying in clear blue sky

3 Effective Ways To Increase Leads & Conversion Rates

You have just seconds to convince someone that your web page is worth reading.…

Person answering emails on laptop with cup of tea next to them

The Most Effective Way For B2B Companies To Build Their Email Lists

Building an email list is important to any company. Having a way to connect with…

Blue chevron wall with the number 33 written on it

5 B2B Facebook Pages Worth Copying

This is just a short entry reviewing a post from Jeff Bullas that highlights uses…

Close up of hands and smart phone

Effective Use of Social Media for Small Business [Case Study]

In this video the owner of River Pools and Spas talks about how social media turned…