Stack of hand written letters

A Manifesto for Marvelous Marketing Analytics Reporting

Today’s marketers are swimming in data from multiple sources, including their CRM,…

Graphic of magnifying glass hovering over illustrated icon of man in business suit out of a large group of people

How to Make the Most of Your Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) Tool

In a previous post, we talked about how to tell if your company is desperately in…

Illustrated graphic of man typing on laptop with coffee, rolled up papers, and a notebook

6 Email Marketing Best Practices to Generate More Leads

Why is my email open rate so low? Why aren’t my email campaigns producing any…

Row of mailboxes against green foliage

When and How Should You Contact Your Sales Leads?

There’s a fine line between helpful and creepy. A colleague knowing that you were…

Sign saying sales and marketing against glass building

4 Ways to Align your Sales and Marketing Teams

Does your organization suffer from a tenuous relationship between your sales and…

Illustrated graphic of man connecting dots

What Are Your Website Analytics Telling You?

In today’s digital world, there is data surrounding almost everything you do as a…

Hand writing with a pink marker on paperwork that is on a table

How to Prove the Value of Social Media Marketing

As a marketer, it can be difficult to prove the value of your social media…