Grayscale photo of diverging highways

Changing the Channel: Zift is Merging with Relayware

  We’ve got some big news: Zift Solutions has just announced our intent to…

Hot air balloon floating low over a lake at night with moon in the background

One is the Loneliest Number

  At a recent event, I overheard a supplier talking about demand creation and…

Water glass being filled with blue background

Why Partners Don’t Need Another Water Cooler

Some tech providers and suppliers believe that creating partner communities, where…

Puzzle pieces

Stepping Up to Solve the Integration Challenge

I don’t like seeing anyone struggle. I feel compelled to help. And, thankfully, so…

3 basketball players with cutout of a missing player

Building a Channel Dream Team

I’m not a big basketball fan. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the occasional game, but…

Pokemon-Go game being played

What Channel Marketers Can Learn from Pokémon Go

Image source: The VergeBehavior is a funny thing. Marketers know this as well as…

Empty test tubes laying in a pile

How to Measure Return On Channel Investment (ROCI)

Business-to-business (B2B) organizations have been investing in channel marketing…

The Google Campus

The Inside Scoop from Channel Breakthrough Live!

This week, Zift had the tremendous honor of co-hosting Channel Breakthrough Live,…

Rocket ship launching

Building Momentum Into 2016 and Beyond

When we launched Zift Solutions, our focus was to empower channel organizations…

Photo of gorilla holding small kitten gently

Gorilla in the Marketplace

Recently, I was having a conversation with a customer who heard a competitor refer…

Graphic of cooking describing 5 Key Ingredients for a Positive and Profitable and Positive Partner Experience

On-Demand Webinar: 5 Key Ingredients For A Positive & Profitable Partner Experience

I recently had the pleasure of presenting and recording a new webinar with Laz…

Calendar open with coffee mug filled with coffee sitting on it

Marketing Win-Wins Take Careful Planning and Expert Advice

One of the hot topics I've been hearing a lot about this year has been how to make…

Sharks swimming

The Power of Change: Zift’s Forward Momentum and SharedVue Acquisition

For some, change is stressful. For me and the Zift Solutions team, change is…

Photo of city at night

High Performance Channel Marketing Secret #6: Work Where Your Partners Work

Zift’s latest eBook is Unlocking the 6 Secrets of High Performance Channel…

Measuring tapes

High Performance Channel Marketing Secret #5: Count on Measurement

Zift’s latest eBook is Unlocking the 6 Secrets of High Performance Channel…

Man in suit on phone

High Performance Channel Marketing Secret #4: Provide Campaigns to Existing Base

Zift’s latest eBook is Unlocking the 6 Secrets of High Performance Channel…

Colorful tents lit up at night

High Performance Channel Marketing Secret #3: Evangelize Modern Marketing

Zift’s latest eBook is Unlocking the 6 Secrets of High Performance Channel…

Chess set

High Performance Channel Marketing Secret #2: Support Multi-Tactic Campaigns

Zift’s latest eBook is Unlocking the 6 Secrets of High Performance Channel…

Feet and puddle with puddle reflecting a person, buildings, and a plane flying overhead

High Performance Channel Marketing Secret #1: Classify Partners by Potential

Zift’s latest eBook is Unlocking the 6 Secrets of High Performance Channel…

Woman wearing VR headset with red overlay

Focusing on the Future of the Channel

I’ve been here in Miami this week representing Zift Solutions at Channel Focus…

Curved building made of glass and metal

Overcoming the False Promises of Partner Portals [Infographic]

Many of today’s suppliers and channel marketers are heavily invested in partner…

Underwater photo of coral and sea stars

A New Era for Channel Sales and Marketing

Our industry is experiencing a new era – and so is Zift Solutions. We recognize…

Yellow and gray pipes against gray wall

Putting an End to the Leaky Pipe Syndrome

Lead generation can be expensive. by Ken Romley

Desktop next to potted plant, a lamp, and a clock

Content Syndication: A 360-Degree View of the Channel

With today’s buyers spending nearly 70% of their time doing online research before…

Man facing camera looking through binoculars with desert in background behind him

Do You Have a Clear Line of Site Into Partner Lead Activity? (Part 4 of 4)

This blog post is the fourth and final part in our series which aims to help…

Blue sky with fluffy white clouds

Navigating the Shift to SaaS and Cloud-Based Services

Channel Marketer Report recently asked me to share my thoughts on how channel…

Man packing a brown box

Deliver Continued Channel Success through Optimization (Part 4 of 4)

To deliver the greatest value to channel partners and support their continued…

Metal fence locked with lock and chain

How to Secure Your Channel Partners’ Buy-In (Part 3 of 4)

Even the most powerful multi-tactic marketing campaigns will fail if you don’t have…

Shadow of number 3 on concrete

3 Key Steps to Building Effective Marketing Campaigns (Part 2 of 4)

As we shared in our previous post, Times have Changed: The Evolution of the Sales…

Black and yellow bird sitting on branch surrounded by green leaves

Times Have Changed: The Sales Environment Evolution (Part 1 of 4)

Dramatic shifts in today’s sales environment are driving big changes in channel…

Two business women talking and smiling

Treating Channel Partners Like Partners

i.e. What’s Good For The Goose… Not to get too preachy here, but good partnering is…

Tan grass with blue sky in background

39 Ways to Make It Easier for Channel Partners to do Business With You

Last week I was at the Baptie conference (which was great by the way) and I helped…

Person answering emails on laptop with cup of tea next to them

The Most Effective Way For B2B Companies To Build Their Email Lists

Building an email list is important to any company. Having a way to connect with…

Blue chevron wall with the number 33 written on it

5 B2B Facebook Pages Worth Copying

This is just a short entry reviewing a post from Jeff Bullas that highlights uses…

Close up of hands and smart phone

Effective Use of Social Media for Small Business [Case Study]

In this video the owner of River Pools and Spas talks about how social media turned…

Large stacks of papers

The Truth About Content Syndication and SEO

Occationally questions come up around the effect of content syndication on SEO. We…

Hello written in blue neon lights


As CEO of Zift Solutions, I am constantly working to make channel partners more…