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Panasonic Case Study


Panasonic Corporation strives to enhance lives and contribute to society through a diverse range of consumer, business, and industrial products. Panasonic Connect Europe GmbH (a B2B holding company) has a robust presence in Europe and a workforce of over 500 employees.

“In recent years, we evolved into ‘Panasonic Connect Europe’,” said Frank Nijholt, European Channel Marketing Manager. “Our combined businesses are incredibly diverse, which made it challenging to implement a single program on a unified platform for all our varied stakeholders.”

To address these challenges, Panasonic Connect Europe sought to harmonize their respective partner management systems into a single platform that could seamlessly integrate with Salesforce (SFDC), Product Information Management (PIM), Digital Asset Management (DAM), and provide essential marketing tools with ease of maintenance.

After consulting multiple PRM solutions, ZiftONE emerged as the ideal solution, offering the flexibility to adapt to the business’ unique processes and offering the comprehensive suite of tools required.


Panasonic Connect relies heavily on their extensive network of channel partners across 22+ countries, and managing a partner program across multiple divisions and business units poses significant challenges.

Implementing ZiftONE has improved partner engagement and operational efficiency. Frank points out one notable benefit is how partners utilise the same tools in various innovative ways. For example, some partners use a WebWidget as a “Contact Me” form on their website, capturing all leads in one place.

Partner users have become more engaged and proactive, leveraging the platform’s full range of functionalities. Larger partners actively use the core portal functionalities, such as the collateral library, certifications, MDF requests, and deal registration. But the small to medium size partners, who don’t necessarily have access to a dedicated in-house marketing resource, also take advantage of the social media and campaign features available through ZiftONE. The creation of custom pages to house sector-specific materials, and the introduction of an on-portal partner podcast are some of the special additions Panasonic Connect Europe has implemented. These have also proven to be popular among users, with page views increasing day on day. Then from a management perspective, the detailed analytics have allowed better tracking and support of partner activities.


Panasonic Connect Europe leveraged ZiftONE to streamline their partner program and enhance partner engagement. The flexibility, comprehensive toolset, and self-service capabilities of ZiftONE enabled the team to provide exceptional support to a diverse network of partners across Europe. As the business continues to grow and evolve, ZiftONE remains a pivotal component in the strategy to enhance partner relationships and drive business success.

“For us, the partner portal is a major tool for our channel partners. Supporting 22+ countries in Europe and this diverse array of channel partners, it’s crucial to have a solid application.”

Partner Onboarding Insights : Part Two

Partner Onboarding Insights Part Two

Supercharge your Partner Onboarding Strategies

Building upon the insights shared in “Partner Onboarding Insights: Part One.”, our second ebook looks at the dynamics involved in a successful onboarding program and shares actionable strategies to enhance partner engagement and effectiveness.

Download the ebook now for insights on:

  • Diverse engagement preferences
  • Importance of in-depth engagement
  • Strategic opportunities in task design
  • Data-driven insights
  • and much more!
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Partner Onboarding Insights : Part One

Partner Onboarding Insights Part One

Struggling with partner engagement? You’re not alone.

Our team of data experts took a deep dive into the ZiftONE clientbase to see what steps were taken in order to establish winning partner engagement strategies. The results of their analysis is laid out in our newest ebook: “Partner Onboarding Insights: Part One.”

Download the ebook now for insights on:

  • Gamified onboarding experiences
  • Personalized post-onboarding communications
  • Engagement monitoring
  • Interactive platform introductions
  • And much more!
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Succes Stories

By Making the Switch to Zift...

Our Manufacturing Customer Success

6x partner program growth in 16 months


Expanded global footprint into a new region


7x deal registration growth in 4 months

Our Technology Customer Success

A 2x increase in active partners in one year


Management of four partner types in one place


Management of two products in one platform

Our Telecom Customer Success

Asset downloads increase by 1,887%


Partner engagement increase by 287%


Easier access to 20,000+ assets

View Industries we serve

Featured Partner Case Study

It’s not just channel leaders that see growth with ZiftONE. With the ease and efficiency of the platform, your partners are enabled for success.
Grupo ACI

Through ZiftONE, Grupo ACI created a marketing funnel to drive more sales. Additionally, they were able to better understand and identify interested customers.

G2 awards

"I definitely recommend other vendors look into using Zift. The customization features and functionality for the partner cannot be beat. I recommend working closely with the Customer Success Director to maximize effectiveness."

– Kelsey B, Software, Channel Manager

G2 awards

“The features and ease of use are incredible. We constantly get positive feedback from our partners regarding ease of use and access to our collateral and campaigns. Pays for itself!”

-Ryan W, Internet, Channel Marketing Manager, Global Programs

G2 awards

“I love how engaged our Customer Success Manager is. It feels like we are a team and she's committed to helping us improve partner engagement. She is responsive, creative, and works hard to help us be successful.”

– User, Electronic Manufacturing

You call them Channel Leaders. We call them Friends.

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Ready to grow your channel program?

Building High Performance Partner Programs | Confirmation

Building High-Performance Channel Partner Programs

Click the button below to download the eBook.


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August Product Webinar | Confirmation

Thanks for registering August Product Webinar 

We'll be sure to send you a reminder email before the session begins at Tuesday, August 16th | 11:00 am ET, but if you'd like to add the webinar right to your calendar you can do so below:

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Webinar | August Product

Join us to learn more about the latest ZiftONE product updates.

Tuesday, August 16th | 11:00am ET

During this session, the ZiftONE product team will review the new Portal Posts feature, how to change your support page, and how to bulk update your collateral and marketing activities.

Come prepared to listen, learn, and ask questions.

Register via the form to the right!

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Learn More About Service Points

Use Them For Marketing

Upload or tag content, create multi-touch campaigns, or build buzz around upcoming events.

Use Them For Outreach

Contact your partners and drive awareness so they know the best ways to sell your product or service.

Use Them For Training

Train both channel partners and colleagues to drive knowledge of ZiftONE for optimized portal use.

You Bought Service Points – Now What?

Service Points are purchased by customers and used to perform services they need to optimize their use of the ZiftONE platform and drive channel success.

Zift Service Points offer customers a broader catalog of services that they can choose from or purchase as a bundle from one of three prescriptive service packages.

Use Service Points to:

  • Customize your channel program’s unique needs
  • Adapt as quickly as the channel changes
  • Save valuable time and resources
  • Have directly access to Zift’s channel experts

Partner Account Plan Template | Confirmation

Download the Partner Account Plan

Click the button below to download the Top 3 Best Practices for Better Channel Program Management.


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Partner Account Plan Template

Partner Account Plan: Collaboratively Plan for Success

Research shows that goals are more likely to be achieved when both parties work together to agree what is required to be successful. Your channel partners, just like direct sales teams, need a common understanding of the goals and how they can be achieved.

What is a Partner Account Plan?

The business plans you make with your partners. They document the strategy and goals for the period ahead. In creating this plan together, you and your partner identify and agree on the processes and resources needed for success.

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Agreeing on your account plan is the groundwork for gaining trust. Listen to your partners to understand:

  • Overall business goals
  • Resources required to be successful
  • Obstacles that are inhibiting success
  • View of their competitive environment

Benefits of Partner Account Plans

A strong partner planning strategy leads to success for both parties. Achieving your joint revenue plan is the most obvious benefit to both parties.

  • Setting realistic joint expectations
  • Outlining all sales and marketing activities
  • Establishing KPIs to track progress
  • Clearly defined target market and lead offerings
  • Jumpstarting new partners quickly
  • Building an action plan to resolve obstacles in advance

With Zift One

You can get success planning tools that are visible to both you and your partners all year so that account planning isn’t just a once-a-year activity.

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Grupo ACI Case Study

About Grupo ACI

A Leading Provider of Industrial Digitalization Solutions

in the Andean Region

Grupo ACI is made up of three companies. It is a Siemens Automation Drives and Digital Industries Software Solution Partner located in Bogota, Colombia. Its portfolio is centered around PLM and MOM software and design simulation. Grupo ACI is focused on agro-industry, food and beverage, retail, construction, transportation and automotive, chemical and pharmaceutical, mining, oil and gas, metallurgy, utilities, logging, textile, auto parts, aerospace, and metalworking sectors.

Their Challenge

Manual Processes for Email Marketing

Before they started using ZiftONE’s email marketing automation features, Grupo ACI took a very manual approach to email marketing. They were also trying to drive promotional efforts without having dedicated marketing resources.
“Before we started to work with Zift, we had to send every email individually without any sequencing,” Johanna Cruz, E-commerce Manager at Grupo ACI, said.
Not only was this time-consuming for the company, but employees of Grupo ACI weren’t able to access insights into their customer list. There was no way of knowing what exactly their customers were interested in.

Grupo ACI

Their Solution

Create a Marketing Funnel with Zift

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Grupo ACI started to embrace the ZiftONE platform as a way to connect with customers digitally.

“During the pandemic, we needed to get in contact with clients virtually,” Cruz said. “Using the prospect form on ZiftONE helped us communicate clearly with our customers when we couldn’t meet in-person.”

Grupo ACI was able to use digital materials from both Siemens’ and Zift’s email templates to build campaigns that fit their customer base. As a result, customer communication has broadened.

“We now have access to a number of new templates that we can use to create materials for our customers,” Cesar Leon, PLM Specialist, said.

Once they began sending emails through ZiftONE, Grupo ACI was able to better understand and segment their customer list and tailor their marketing approach to what people were responding to.

“The benefit of Zift is that you can create a funnel. Starting with a large database, we can filter to the people who are interested in us or the specific program we’re promoting,” Leon said. “This was the main difference for our business. If you send emails manually or with another platform, you don’t have this level of control.”

ZiftONE’s built-in dynamic list creation functionality helped the company separate people who were actually interacting with their content.

“We can now focus our list of customers and target them with different goals,” Cruz said. “We built a segmentation of our customers and now have better-focused campaigns with landing pages. Every campaign is connected to other steps and a call to action for the customers.”

Their Results

Serving Digitization At Every Level

Grupo ACI saw their relationship improve with Siemens during the pandemic by embracing the ZiftONE platform. Cruz and Leon regularly attended Partner Office Hours and Partner Webinars hosted by Siemens and Zift; these helped Grupo ACI learn how to make the most of the ZiftONE platform and achieve their goals. Grupo ACI also successfully advocated for more Spanish-language content and for more small and medium business content (SMB) from Siemens.

Because of their success with the ZiftONE platform, Cruz was able to prove that Grupo ACI could benefit from additional marketing support. This led to hiring someone to help her team.

“This tool from Siemens enables us to create our marketing plans,” Cruz said. “We are planning on using it even more in the next year.“

Grupo ACI was also able to grow its customer sales, becoming one of Siemens’ top Latin American partners.

“Zift is an important tool for us to prove our company’s vision,” Leon said. “We are now a partner that serves digitization at every level.”

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Ready to grow your channel program?


Taking 2022 by Storm

About This Partner Webinar

  • Learn about the new ZiftONE Learning Management System features; customers can now create quizzes, use courses instead of certifications, and utilize MP4 and PDF files in online learning programs.
  • Learn how to use Success Plans, where suppliers and partners can collaborate to develop comprehensive strategies that account for training goals, marketing activities, and a full range of metrics.
  • Hear more about the Virtual Event Campaigns feature which allows ZiftONE customers to promote webinars and other virtual events directly through their partners with registration attribution and lead tracking capabilities.

This is your chance to see some of the latest Zift features in real-time – as well as to engage directly with our product experts.

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Led by

Josh Medeiros and Tim Porterfield

Virtual Events Landing Page

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Virtual Event Campaigns

Promote your virtual events through your partners and empower them to host their own

See ZiftONE in Action

Find Out More About ZiftONE Channel Marketing


Virtual Event Campaigns is a first-of-its-kind channel marketing capability. Use this feature to:

  • Promote your own thought leadership webinars,
  • Create a virtual roadshow series,
  • Enable partners to host standardized lunch-and-learns and more.

Read the News Release


With ZiftONE, don’t hesitate to do it all: you can manage all of your channel marketing materials in one place for an entire partner ecosystem. While you’re at it, create customized campaigns and content for each unique partner type. Our channel marketing tools let you easily create emails, portal pages, and microsites for your partner’s websites without coding.

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G2 awards


Talk to us

Ready to drive demand through your partners?


Driving Your Customer's Success Through ZiftONE

About this Partner Webinar

Join us for a webinar with Josh Medeiros, Zift’s Senior Sales Engineer, for an exclusive demo of the ZiftONE platform and Q&A session. You’ll learn

  • How ZiftONE brings partner management, channel sales and marketing, and more all under one roof.
  • Which features from ZiftONE customers find most critical to growing their partner business.
  • How ZiftONE can address your customer’s pain points as their channel program grows.

You’ll have the chance to ask questions live, and come away with a deeper understanding of ZiftONE, a glimpse at the latest features, and the knowledge you need to demonstrate ZiftONE’s value to your customers.

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Led By

Josh Medeiros

Senior Sales Engineer

Zift Solutions

PRM/TCMA Campaign Landing Page

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Don't break up your channel management – unite it.

See ZiftONE in Action

One Platform for All Your Channel Needs

Searching for an all-in-one channel management solution? Look no further than ZiftONE. Learn more about Partner Relationship Management systems here.


Through customized, highly intuitive admin dashboards, ZiftONE makes it easy — enjoyable, even — for your partners to stay engaged with your brands.

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Give your PAMs/CAMs the data they need to focus partners on high-value activities, to keep them armed with the right info, and to hold them accountable for their performance.

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ZiftONE puts you in command of multi-touch digital marketing campaigns designed to generate leads — and support pipeline growth — all day, every day.

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ZiftONE gives you powerful tools to keep partners skilled up and ready to sell, with webinar management, testing and exams, partner certifications and so much more.

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ZIFTONE Technical Information

Thanks to robust brand and partner connectors, ZiftONE helps you seamlessly centralize and segment data from all the systems you and your partners use.

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From guiding you through the intricacies of recruiting and onboarding to creating winning campaigns, ZiftONE channel services help you shine.

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The platform you and your partners won’t outgrow

See ZiftONE in Action

One Management Platform for All Your Channel Needs


Through customized, highly intuitive admin dashboards, ZiftONE makes it easy — enjoyable, even — for your partners to stay engaged with your brands.

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Give your PAMs/CAMs the data they need to focus partners on high-value activities, to keep them armed with the right info, and to hold them accountable for their performance.

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ZiftONE puts you in command of multi-touch digital marketing campaigns designed to generate leads — and support pipeline growth — all day, every day.

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ZiftONE gives you powerful tools to keep partners skilled up and ready to sell, with webinar management, testing and exams, partner certifications and so much more.

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ZIFTONE Technical Information

Thanks to robust brand and partner connectors, ZiftONE helps you seamlessly centralize and segment data from all the systems you and your partners use.

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From guiding you through the intricacies of recruiting and onboarding to creating winning campaigns, ZiftONE channel services help you shine.

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G2 leader Winter 2023 award


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The ever-growing, ever-adapting Enterprise Channel Management leader.

Want to see what else we've been working on?

The Power of ONE

Your Improved Channel Experience Starts Here

We don’t just obsess over impressing our buyers – we obsess over impressing our partners. With ZiftONE’s “one pipeline, one platform” mantra, we equip you with one tool for channel operations, enablement, marketing and sales. Our all-in-one PRM helps you say goodbye to old, disjointed partner management platforms. Say hello to managing your channel seamlessly in one place.

What We've Been Working On

Data & Analytics Reporting

Zift’s custom reporting dashboard, powered by Looker, lets you keep track of lead and deal registrations, which campaigns and collateral are being used, and which of your partners are the most active. Our data will make it clear what is working and what isn’t – and more importantly, what is truly driving revenue and pipeline generation.

deal analytics

What We've Been Working On

Through-Partner Email Campaigns

With 11 customizable templates to choose from, empower your partners to quickly and easily build out campaigns based on your unique channel needs. Curate your content with campaigns for individual partners or specific partner types, letting you package campaigns for everyone in your partner ecosystem.

supplier email view

What We've Been Working On

Partner Portal Page Templates

With a dynamic, customizable interface, you can use ZiftONE to create a portal page or portal view unique to each partner group. With 22 template options available, you can pick the partner experience that’s right for you, from creating an FAQ page to customizing partner registration.

Zift template
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What people are saying...

One Platform, One United Experience

ZiftONE’s offerings don’t stop at providing an optimized portal, PRM, and a channel marketing, operations, and enablement solution. With customer success being our bread and butter, we also provide partners step-by-step support as they build and launch their program. It’s just one reason we continue to climb the ranks as a Leader in G2’s Partner Management Software category.

G2 awards

Ready to grow your channel program?

Let's see how we can help.

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Enablement Webinar

Pipeline Transparency: Building Trust in the Channel & Beyond

Why Are We Talking About?

In this session we’ll unpack the details of several important moving parts, such as:

  • Lead Management
    • What are some of the issues plaguing direct/indirect?
    • How are sales and marketing organizations using technology to mitigate lead management issues? Or is it creating more issues?
  • Lead Flow
    • What are the best practices for ensuring the lead flow process is optimized?  
    • How is this done with partners?
  • Roles & Deliverables
    • How do best-in-class organizations define roles and responsibilities for lead management for both direct and channels?
    • What activities and deliverables are leading companies employing to improve alignment between sales and marketing?
  • Governance & Metrics
    • What are the leading and lagging metrics organizations should focus on that they often miss?
    • How are companies diagnosing problems and measuring the effectiveness of the demand creation process and the leads that it produces?

Ready for a fine-tuned pipeline? Register to join today.

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Enablement Webinar

How to Make Partner Enablement Your Competitive Differentiator

Why Join This Webinar?

Analyst firms report two-thirds of all commerce goes through indirect sales, where partners drive the bulk of the business. And why not? A successful partner can provide access to a wider customer base, fast track business expansion and reduce the cost of direct sales and overhead. Seems like a no-brainer, right?

Maybe. A successful partner may lead you to fields of gold, but the foundation for that success requires shifting your mindset. It requires viewing your partners not as independent contractors who’ve signed up to sell your products or services, but as true business partners worthy of the same content, training, and professional development you’d offer your own staff.

According to Aberdeen Group, effectively enabling channel partners leads to 28% shorter sales cycles, 12% higher conversion rates and 10% better quota attainment overall. You know who wants those improvements? Your competitors. And they’re knocking on your partners doors.

Join Peter Zink, Director of Sales Enablement at Sprout Social, and Laz Gonzalez, Chief Strategy Officer at Zift, in How to Make Partner Enablement Your Competitive Differentiator: an interactive webinar about creating loyal, productive partners that generate repeatable revenue. Participants are encouraged to chat away, come off mute, and ask questions as our experts help us navigate the intricacies of partner enablement.

In this session, we’ll unpack:

  • The key building blocks of a partner enablement framework
  • The rewards of enabling partners – and the risks of not doing so
  • What’s working and what’s not when enabling partners
  • Real-life examples of successful partner enablement programs from today’s leading channel suppliers

Want to keep those competitors at bay? Sign up today.

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Channel Value

How to Prove Your Channel’s Value in 2021

Why Join This Webinar?

At no time has it been more challenging – or more important – to prove the value of the channel in driving revenue growth.

While 2020 was the season of change, 2021 is the year where successful channel leaders need bold, new moves to reach buyers through skeptical partners.

Join industry leaders Laz Gonzalez, Kristen Cole, & Theresa Caragol for this information-packed webinar to learn how the channel will operate in 2021, and walk away with actionable next steps to keep up. Specifically, you’ll learn answers to questions like:

    • What role will the Channel influencer play?
    • Why map and personalize the Partner Journey?
    • What am I missing with funnel and pipeline management?
    • Which programs are at risk of not surviving?
    • What is my untapped competitive advantage?
    • And more!

Sign up above and find out what you should do NOW to prepare partners for marketing and selling in 2021.

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About Zift Solutions

Zift Solutions is the Enterprise Channel Management leader, delivering the people, processes and technology organizations require to drive channel success. Zift boosts channel program productivity and profitability by automating and aligning marketing, sales, and operational processes. The ZiftONE platform integrates with established systems to speed time-to-sales, create an exceptional partner experience, and provide faster ROI.

About Vistex

Vistex solutions help businesses take control of their mission-critical processes. With a multitude of programs covering pricing, trade, royalties and incentives, it can be complicated to see where all the money is flowing, let alone how much difference it makes to the topline and the bottomline. With Vistex, business stakeholders can see the numbers, see what really works, and see what to do next – so they can make sure every dollar spent or earned is really driving growth, and not just additional costs. The world’s leading enterprises across a spectrum of industries rely on Vistex every day to propel their businesses.

About AchieveUnite

AchieveUnite Inc. is a partner performance company that offers proven Consulting services and Education programs that deliver business transformational services. Everything we do is rooted in our ground-breaking research around Partner Lifetime Value® and our Vendor Maturity Index (VMi™), which deliver measurable insights and strategies into channel success. Our education programs develop both EQ and IQ skills in channel leaders that promote the inclusion, collaboration, and strategic skills required for success in today’s world.

magic wand

Business Planning Masterclass

About this Masterclass

Business planning best practices, awareness, knowledge, assessment and gaining alignment with your partners is a must have in this COVID World. Completing an action and results oriented plan, garnering and maintaining executive sponsorship, and having the RIGHT conversations with partners is essential — even critical, to the health of your channel and partner relationships.

Most business planning is a transactional, one way interaction – learn how to change the game and make this one of your most valuable interactions with your partners. Join us in this webinar conversation to discuss getting buy-in across multiple stakeholders, and true value based business planning.

Ready to signup? Just fill out the form above.

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Led By

Theresa Caragol

Founder & CEO


About Theresa Caragol

Theresa Caragol is founder and CEO, AchieveUnite Inc., a strategic consulting and education firm that provides channel, partnering and business acceleration services to global enterprises. AchieveUnite offers partner and channel development, go-to-market strategy, M&A channel integration, and executive education forums. Ms. Caragol has more than 20 years’ experience in building and managing multi-million-dollar indirect channel teams and strategic alliance programs from inception to sales success. She co-founded an industry Channel Think Tank designed to influence and support the industry’s digital transformation, numerous advisory boards, and was one of 15 women selected for the First Leadership Foundry in Washington, DC – an organization dedicated to mentoring and recruiting women for positions on corporate boards.

Ms. Caragol has received numerous IT industry channel accolades including the Informa Top Industry Influencer (2017) and CRN’s Top 50 Most Influential Channel Chiefs (2014). Theresa Caragol is also a sought-after speaker, trainer, and facilitator, and was recently featured in the new book, How To Be A Woman In Technology (While Focusing On What Matters Most). Prior to founding AchieveUnite Inc, Theresa held senior executive roles at Extreme Networks, Ciena and Nortel. She holds a Bachelors from Virginia Tech, and MBA from University of Wisconsin, and an Executive Masters in Leadership Georgetown University Business School.

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Help on the Way

Strategic Review

Join us in this strategic exercise and walk away with clear, actionable recommendations on building and growing a profitable channel program.

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Success Plan

Work with us on a jointly developed Customer Success Plan to create & execute on channel program objectives, goals & initiatives — all rolling up into a healthy and productive channel program.

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Digital Assessment

Join us for a deep dive assessment of all your digital marketing strategies & tactics and work with Zift Channel Engagement on modern best practices.

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Strategic Review

The Strategic Review is an intelligence-gathering exercise that allows Zift to make clear recommendations on building and growing a profitable channel program. It helps gain insight into a supplier’s channel program to understand their program capabilities and effectiveness. It’s like doing an x-ray of a patient to prescribe treatment programs and options.

What Does the Strategic Review Include?

  • An assessment to gather valuable intelligence in Channel Operations, Sales and Marketing
  • Analysis areas include recruitment, partner management, enablement/training, marketing, transacting and reporting
  • Once the assessment is completed, we help you identify key priorities, any gaps to execution, and any areas of misalignment through an Executive Summary that provides benchmarks against similar companies, a prioritization of efforts and defines clear follow-up actions

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Laz Gonzalez

Led By

Laz Gonzalez

Chief Strategy Officer

Channel Success Plan

The Zift Channel Success Plan is a jointly developed plan, holding both the Customer and Zift accountable for the overall success and growth of the channel program. Used as a tool it can help ensure each Zift customer achieves their Desired Channel Outcomes and to assist in measuring success using a collaborative and data-driven approach. It takes inputs from strategic reviews as well as from planned initiatives, activities and identified objectives. The Channel Success Plan is also the basis of the Strategic Business Reviews.

What Will The Plan Document?

  • Customer’s Channel Program Objectives, Goals, and Desired Outcomes
  • Channel Program KPIs
  • Initiatives (with timelines and owners) required to meet your objectives, goals and desired outcomes
  • Required reports and Reporting cadence to measure progress and activity effectiveness

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Led By

Aimie Vargas

VP of Customer Success

Digital Assessment

The Digital Assessment begins with an analysis of your digital marketing efforts. The analysis produces a Zift Digital Assessment score for each marketing tactic and a summary score. Based on this analysis, our Channel Engagement team will guide you in making corrections to your tactics based on best practices.

What Does the Digital Assessment Include?

The program begins with an analytic report on your progress as a Digital Marketing Organization. Zift complements this data by providing a personalized review with a Designated Channel Engagement Manager.

The Zift Digital Assessment analyzes your:

  • Framework: Are you set up for success?
  • Activity: Are you using the right tactics?
  • Measurement: Are you achieving results at an industry standard level?

Your score determines where you are in the transformation to a Digital Marketing Organization, and helps create a plan to take you further.

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Led By

Marc Sachdev

Director of Channel Engagement

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ResultsPositive Case Study


Increase in Discovery Meetings


Reduction in Lead Lifecycle


Reduction is Admin Time


Increase in CRM Utilization

About ResultsPositive

A Leader in Software Across the Entire HPE Software Portfolio

ResultsPositive is a leader in IT Software consulting delivering Project & Portfolio Management, Application Life Cycle Management, IT Service Management, Business Service Management, Application Transformation, Business Intelligence, Cloud & Automation, and Mobility solutions across the entire IT Performance Suite for medium sized and Fortune 500 companies.

Their Business Objective

Results in Today's Fast Moving Market Conditions

As an HPE Platinum Partner, HPE ASMP-S Support Provider and the HPE Customer Support Partner of the Year for 2013, ResultsPositive is not only an established HPE technology expert, but also a highly valued channel partner. One benefit as an HPE Partner is the chance to generate new prospects for HPE business technology solutions. However, a manual lead distribution process of ResultsPositive event leads to inside sales reps was inefficient, susceptible to human error and too slow for today’s fast moving market conditions.

“We co-sponsored events with HPE and the leads were being shared via Excel spreadsheets so it was difficult to track progress, gain insight into where those leads ended up or hold reps accountable,” said Zach Farnsworth, Marketing Specialist with ResultsPositive. “We would download the spreadsheet and either hand it off to our CRM administrator or forward it directly to a sales rep. This caused reporting nightmares as the reps would often work within the Excel spreadsheets so the leads and activities often didn’t make it into our CRM system.”

The manual spreadsheet distribution process also lacked critical details about the lead behavior, leaving little insight into where the lead was within the sales process, what product the lead was for or how to best nurture a lead through to a sale. Moreover, it was difficult to report lead generation results back to ResultsPositive and HPE sales teams in a timely way resulting in long conference calls, cumbersome back and forth emails and multiple versions of the spreadsheet to manage. “There was often a lot of back and forth trying to find out lead statuses, what type of activity had occurred with prospects and whether any deals resulted from leads,” said Farnsworth.

extension idea
magic wand

Their Solution

Channel Automation

When HPE and ResultsPositive began using automated lead distribution from Zift Solutions, things changed dramatically. Through Zift, ResultsPositive began delivering leads directly to their field sales team within their CRM system. As Zift integrates seamlessly with most top CRM packages available, the solution was deployed in just two days with little effort required by ResultsPositive and became a natural extension of how they were already doing business. ResultsPositive is now able to focus on the sales process instead of trying to track lead activity.

Their Results

A Streamlined Sales Pipeline & Closed Loop Reporting

Today, ResultsPositive is armed with an automated “event lead to opportunities process” where the sales qualified leads are tracked and transformed into sales opportunities. “In just the first month of using the system we saw a 30% reduction in lead lifecycle, as we are able to generate meetings and build pipeline faster,” said Zach Farnsworth, Marketing Specialist with ResultsPositive.

Zift has also enabled a more collaborative sales process by delivering leads directly to the right ResultsPositive individuals at the right time and with enhanced visibility. Qualified leads are received in a standardized, structured manner, which saves time and reduces errors, as ResultsPositive no longer has to manually enter data into their CRM. “With Zift Solutions, we’ve increased our CRM usage by 60%, which means we’re getting more value out of our CRM investment, an added benefit. Plus, we’ve seen a 25% reduction in lead administration, allowing for increased time to focus on sales activities. We’ve enhanced efficiency so much that we’re considering expanding our inside sales team,” said Farnsworth.

A streamlined sales pipeline and closed loop reporting make it easy for HPE and ResultsPositive to evaluate the efficacy of our marketing efforts. “Now we can easily communicate the statuses of leads and follow up on opportunities directly to HPE,” Farnsworth said. Plus, ResultsPositive also has the ability to leverage Zift’s Through Partner Marketing Automation (TPMA) capabilities to nurture prospects and help close more deals. These efforts have led to a 25% increase in the number of leads that have progressed to Discovery Meetings.

“Using Zift has really strengthened our partnership with HPE,” said Farnsworth. “HPE is working more closely with us as we’ve increased our reporting capabilities into our lead generation activities and direct visibility into the progression of the leads we generate.”

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Ready to grow your channel program?

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Orasi Case Study


New Leads


in New Pipeline


Return on Investment


New SQLs

About Orasi

A Leading Provider of Software Testing Services

An HPE Platinum Partner, Orasi Software is a leading provider of software testing services using market-leading test management, test automation, enterprise testing, environment hosting and mobile testing technology. For over 12 years, Orasi has consistently helped customers successfully implement and integrate software testing environments to reduce the cost and risk of software failures.

Their Business Objective

Getting to the Right People, at the Right Time, with the Right Messaging

Orasi Software has established a strong reputation as an HPE Platinum Partner and value added reseller offering certified consulting and support for HPE’s industry leading test management, test automation and performance testing solutions. Aside from HPE, Orasi also works with multiple partners and vendors, which can make marketing even more complex. Like many channel partners, Orasi has a small marketing team. “We needed help getting to the right people, at the right time, with the right message, which is tough when you’re resource-constrained, but absolutely necessary to take marketing to the next level,” said Chris White, AVP of Marketing, Orasi Software.

Aside from a lack of resources, Orasi was struggling with several familiar channel marketing challenges, the first of which was an insufficient contact database. While the company had a decent sized database, it wasn’t populated with the right contacts and the team was wasting time reaching out to people without the budget or buying authority to make purchases. “We tried purchasing lists, but they failed miserably,” said White. “Purchased lists were not just expensive, they were often outdated, did not contain the right contacts for our outreach efforts and with cold lists there was no relationship established with the prospects.” Constantly under pressure from sales to generate and deliver new leads, Orasi needed new tools, tactics and strategies to engage and nurture prospects. The solution also needed to demonstrate its value and return on investment quickly.

Orasi logo
max plus

Their Solution

Share Their Goals with Zift

Orasi was provided access to Zift Solutions through HPE starting in 2009. Taking an integrated approach, Orasi is capturing the benefits of several Zift features, including syndicated web content, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) online advertising, multitouch email campaigns and social media syndication. “With Zift Solutions, we finally found the answers to those nagging questions, ‘How do we get more leads?’ and ‘How do we nurture those leads to close once they are in our systems?’,” said White.

“Zift provides functionality that most marketing automation solutions don’t and we’re taking advantage of those opportunities at Orasi,” White said. For example, Orasi recently launched a PPC campaign using Zift that included a tie-in with LinkedIn and sponsored online ads that drive leads to a dedicated landing page. Multi-touch email campaigns to Orasi’s prospect database, as well as leads generated by their PPC campaigns, are putting Orasi out in front of prospects faster and creating new opportunities to nurture leads. Online content syndication capabilities automatically populate HPE-approved panels on Orasi’s website and provide detailed metrics about views, clicks and site visitors. Pre-approved content from HPE is being used to enhance social media efforts. Moreover, direct integration with streamlines lead distribution and enhances visibility around lead activities.

Zift Managed Services has also helped Orasi expand their reach. “With limited resources, our team was constantly overstretched trying to do everything required to build awareness and generate demand,” said White. “Sharing our goals with Zift and letting them actively manage campaigns saves us a ton of time and allows us to focus on the things that we can be doing internally while they use their expertise to deliver results we couldn’t achieve on our own.”

Their Results

Expanded Reach. New Leads. New Opportunities. Less Burden.

Using Zift, Orasi Software has solved lead generation and nurturing challenges, extended marketing resources, and captured more sales opportunities through an integrated approach complete with online advertising, multi-touch campaigns and social media. “We’ve earned a 48 to 1 return on investment with Zift Solutions, which has allowed us to expand our reach, generate new leads and create more opportunities without overburdening our team,” said Chris White, AVP of Marketing, Orasi Software.

“Zift has helped us capture more leads and capitalize on the power of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) online advertising,” White said. A recent nine-week PPC campaign supported by tele-qualification and offering a pre-approved HPE eBook added more than $325K to Orasi’s sales pipeline and achieved a 48:1 return on investment. Plus, just one multi-touch email campaign series leveraging pre-approved HPE assets quickly generated 148 new leads with 112 leads qualified by sales. “The multi-touch campaigns provide us with the content that we need to promote our solutions and services – and move leads through the sales process faster,” said White.

Zift Solutions also has a strong relationship with HPE and understands their messaging, which allows Orasi to significantly shorten or bypass what can be a lengthy content approval process and take advantage of pre-approved HPE content across a number of marketing initiatives, including their website, online advertising and social media efforts. Direct integration with means new leads are delivered immediately to the sales team within a familiar interface. There is much less risk of leads getting lost in the shuffle of manual processes and it’s easy for Orasi to track and share lead activity with HPE. Zift Managed Services deliver end-to-end and hands-on support from channel marketing experts across the lifecycle of Orasi campaigns. “Zift’s Managed Services now serves as an extension of our marketing team, providing us with the strategic insight and dedicated resources we need to manage campaigns,” said White. No longer alone in their efforts, Orasi can reach out to the Zift Managed Services team at any time to collaborate with experts, define their priorities and easily execute the the best campaigns to achieve desired results.

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Ready to grow your channel program?

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Star2Star Case Study


Return on Investment


in New Pipeline

20hrs / wk

in Employee Time Savings


Partners Managed via Zift

About Star2Star Communications

The Most Trusted Platform for Business Collaboration

Star2Star Communications empowers global business success with its Full Spectrum Communications Solution and award-winning Constellation™ Network. With a customer retention rate of 99.85%, Star2Star has been recognized by leading analysts in the UCaaS and VoIP industries. In the past seven years, Star2Star was named to the Forbes Most Promising Companies list, the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 five times, and the Inc. 500|5000 seven times.

Their Business Objective

Empower a Diversified Network of Partners

Star2Star’s success is tied to its laser focus on partner satisfaction. “100 percent of sales through the channel means 100 percent focus on partners,” says David Portnowitz, CMO at Star2Star. But engaging and enabling partners is no easy task.

Manual, one-off and repetitive to-dos, like checking co-op balances, creating co-branded data sheets and email campaigns, were overly time-consuming. Marketing Development Funds (MDF) weren’t always used or optimized by partners. And Star2Star lacked a clear sense of the ROI they were earning from their channel engagement activities.

Star2Star’s previous solution was tough to manage and couldn’t deliver the content efficiencies and results required, so partners were just not using the platform. They needed a multi-faceted solution to engage and empower their diversified network of partners, made up of distributors, master agents, managed service providers and certified installing dealers, many of whom have limited time and marketing know-how. What would capture their partners’ interest and make Star2Star’s program stand out from the rest?


Their Solution

The Star2Star Partner Marketing Hub

“We looked for a solution that would provide our partners with more self-service options to customize and co-brand their own materials, manage co-op funds, track leads and run multi-tactic campaigns themselves within a truly modern marketing platform,” said Portnowitz. “Zift Solutions offered the most comprehensive channel management features and resources — and the best plan for partner success — within the most cost-effective solution set.”

Zift and Star2Star collaborated to announce the launch of the Star2Star Partner Marketing Hub in Spring of 2018, complete with a series of educational webinars and training sessions to ensure partner success and engagement with the Zift platform.

Today, Star2Star is using Zift to enable more than 400 of its channel partners with Through Partner Marketing Automation (TPMA) for high-impact digital marketing. Zift Campaign Marketplace simplifies and optimizes the use of MDF across their partner ecosystem, and Zift Expert Services maximize results and ROI from the platform.

“Launching Zift was a powerful step in providing our partners with the best channel program in the industry,” said Portnowitz.

Their Results

Empower a Diversified Network of Partners

The Zift platform paid for itself in just 3 months. With Zift, Star2Star has increased partner engagement, offloaded automated tasks and saved their marketing team precious time they can spend on strategic channel activities. The company has increased their number of Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) and achieved ROI on their Partner Marketing Hub — all while maintaining brand relevancy with partners and raising the bar on partner satisfaction.

Partners were exceptionally active from the start with 50,000 emails sent using co-branded content, and more than 36,000 banner widget and showcase views. Social media syndication is also proving popular among partners and Star2Star expanded its reach to 64,000 new followers via just 12 partners in 12 weeks. The result? $192K in MQLs in under 12 weeks.

Zift makes it easy for Star2Star’s marketing team to reach out, give scalable support to their 400+ partners and tie sales back to platform activities. “It’s saving us about 15 to 20 hours a week just through ease of use,” Portnowitz says. Star2Star’s team can easily monitor and report on partner and program activities and results. Best of all, they are free to work on advancing their program instead of bogged down with manual tasks and partners can create co-branded content as well as track their co-op funds on their own.

Star2Star also uses the Zift platform to entice prospective partners. “A lot of partners we work with are small- and mid-sized businesses with no marketing department or just one person responsible for all their marketing efforts,“ explains Portnowitz. “Our Channel Development Group uses Zift as a recruiting tool, saying ‘Look, we’ll be your marketing department.’ That’s a big thing as Zift allows us to essentially serve as a marketing agency for our partners.”

Star2Star’s marketing team works closely with Zift’s Channel Engagement Team to keep partner adoption high, which was a problem they encountered with previous platforms. “It’s our goal to be the friendliest and most relevant channel program around,” Portnowitz emphasizes. “Channel Engagement helps us evaluate what we’re doing and continually asks, ‘How can we improve?’ That’s really important to us. We have a partner, as opposed to a vendor, in Zift — Someone who I feel is working with us, who understands what we’re doing, really gets the whole idea and helps us stay ahead of the curve.”

Learn more

Ready to grow your channel program?

Marketing for Revenue | Confirmation

Marketing for Revenue in the #DigitalNormal: Thank you for a great webinar!

Please click the buttons below to watch the on-demand recording of the webinar, as well as access the slide deck presented by Janet Schijns. We'll see you next time!

View Webinar RecordingDownload Slides

Marketing for Revenue in the #DigitalNormal

Marketing for Revenue in the #DigitalNormal

Thursday, June 25th | 1:00pm ET

During this session, Janet Schijns, CEO of the JS Group, will share her secrets for designing the right marketing and sales strategy for our new virtual first reality.  

  • How does your marketing plan change?  
  • What strategies and tactics work to develop high-quality leads? 
  • How do your sellers use social selling to increase their funnel and ramp up their close rate? 

Come prepared to listen, learn, and ask the tough questions during this rapid-fire session designed to change your marketing strategy to a winning revenue game plan!

Register via the form to the right!

Zift Welcomes Janet Schijns

An admired expert in the industry, Janet Schijns is CEO and Co-Founder of JS Group, a go to market consultancy dedicated to achieving results as well as the founder of the #digitalnormal movement in the industry driving profitable change in the partner community. In 2019, Janet was named Channel Influencer of the year and has been in the top 5 influencers every year for the past decade. Formerly EVP and CMSO at Office Depot, Janet led a major transformation to drive traction in IT services, generating recurring revenue from higher-margin solutions. Prior to that, she was the Chief Channel Executive, Chief Marketing Technologist, ran business products for Verizon Business, and ran the channel organization for Motorola Enterprise and Government.

JS Group Logo
lady smiling and leaning against pink wall

Focus Group - Prospects | Confirmation

Thank you for registering for our Channel Account Manager Focus Group.

Please check your email for more information. If you’d like to add this focus group to your calendar, please click the buttons below.

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Focus Group - Customers | Confirmation

Thank you for registering for our Channel Account Manager Focus Group.

Please check your email for more information. If you’d like to add this focus group to your calendar, please click the buttons below.

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blue background

Focus Group - Non-Customers

Channel Focus Group

DATE: June 3, 2020

TIME: 1:00pm ET -> 2:30pm ET

Thank you for lending your voice and ideas as a member of Zift Solutions’ Channel Account Manager Focus Group. As a token of our appreciation, we’ll deliver a $50 Amazon gift card to you after your session.

During this 90-minute session, you and your professional peers will have an opportunity to share candid insights on the following topics:

  • How you manage business priorities and KPIs for both your organization and in partner organizations
  • Which factors improve program and partner effectiveness and which ones stifle effectiveness
  • With current business situations, how, if at all, have your relationships with your partners changed
  • How do you know where to invest time and effort? Which tools do you rely on to guide those decisions?
  • And, if you could wave a magic wand to make a key change, what would it be?

Register via the form to the right!

blue background

Focus Group - Customers

Channel Focus Group

DATE: June 3, 2020

TIME: 10:30am ET -> 12:00pm ET

Thank you for lending your voice and ideas as a member of Zift Solutions’ Channel Account Manager Focus Group. As a token of our appreciation, we’ll deliver a $50 Amazon gift card to you after your session.

During this 90-minute session, you and your professional peers will have an opportunity to share candid insights on the following topics:

  • How you manage business priorities and KPIs for both your organization and in partner organizations
  • Which factors improve program and partner effectiveness and which ones stifle effectiveness
  • With current business situations, how, if at all, have your relationships with your partners changed
  • How do you know where to invest time and effort? Which tools do you rely on to guide those decisions?
  • And, if you could wave a magic wand to make a key change, what would it be?

Register via the form to the right!

Forrester Wave Leader 2020 | Confirmation


Top Ranked in Strategy in The Forrester Wave™:
Through-Channel Marketing Automation, Q2 2020

forrester wave

Forrester Wave Leader 2020


Top Ranked in the Strategy category in The Forrester Wave™:
Through-Channel Marketing Automation, Q2 2020

Download Now

Zift has delivered Through Channel Marketing Automation (TCMA) solutions for more than 12 years — and we’re still making waves with our award-winning, future-forward channel technology.

Download your complimentary copy of The Forrester Wave™: Through Channel Marketing Automation (TCMA) Q2, 2020 to see why Zift’s scores in strategy, current offering, and market presence make us a 2020 Forrester TCMA Leader.

“Zift Solutions offers a single integrated platform for all channel management needs.” — The Forrester Wave™: Through-Channel Marketing Automation, Q2 2020 authored by Jay McBain and Lori Wizdo

Read the Full Report to See

  • How ZiftONE compares to other TCMA vendors
  • Complete vendor evaluations covering 24 unique categories
  • What TCMA buyers should look for as a result of dramatically changing buyer dynamics

The Forrester Wave™ is copyrighted by Forrester Research, Inc. Forrester and Forrester Wave™ are trademarks of Forrester Research, Inc. The Forrester Wave™ is a graphical representation of Forrester's call on a market and is plotted using a detailed spreadsheet with exposed scores, weightings, and comments. Forrester does not endorse any vendor, product, or service depicted in the Forrester Wave. Information is based on best available resources. Opinions reflect judgment at the time and are subject to change.

Summit Series Confirmation

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Channel Chatter LIVE podcast

Channel Chatter Podcast

Episode 8: Understanding the Partner's Enablement Journey

In these times of COVID-19, it’s hard to find new buyers. Should partners be focusing on new business or existing customers, and why is it important for suppliers to help facilitate the digital relationship between partner and customer? Join this Channel Chatter podcast to learn from sales enablement expert, Roderick Jefferson, and our own Gordon Rapkin and Laz Gonzalez, about how partner enablement is taking on new meaning. Hear how suppliers are working with their partners to increase sales and marketing skills in order to offer customers a digital “bear-hug” in times of crisis.

During this podcast, our speakers will provide answers to these critical sales enablement questions:

  • What is the role of enablement as partners have to pivot to digital selling?
  • What skills are needed for “full-funnel” management?
  • What works best at the later stages, where customers seem to be stalling or postponing orders?

Roderick Jefferson
CEO - Roderick Jefferson & Associates

Laz Gonzalez
Chief Strategy Officer

Gordon Rapkin
Chief Executive Officer

Episode 7: Channel Funnel Management Best Practices

As the saying goes “it takes two to tango”, but if the dancers are channel sales and marketing – you can’t always assume a flawless performance when it comes to funnel management. While lack of alignment and lack of integration contribute to the problem, join Laz Gonzalez and his special guest Gordon Rapkin, CEO of Zift Solutions as they discuss how channel sales leaders and their marketing counterparts can mitigate some of the issues that arise when tracking leads and opportunities via a shared funnel.

Feelin Good Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


Laz Gonzalez
Chief Strategy Officer

Gordon Rapkin

Gordon Rapkin
Chief Executive Officer

Episode 6: Partner Account Management in the Digital New Norm

The relationship between partner account managers and the channel partners they support is changing dramatically in the post-Covid 19 digital new norm. As partners bounce from supplier to supplier looking for the best opportunities to help their business survive, the need to transform their business from face-to-face, relationship building to a digital experience for their prospects and customers has risen to a level never seen before. Join our guests Laz Gonzalez and Gordon Rapkin as they discuss how suppliers need to focus on the partner’s journey and become data-driven as b-to-b channels experience a new digital sea change.

Feelin Good Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


Laz Gonzalez
Chief Strategy Officer

Gordon Rapkin

Gordon Rapkin
Chief Executive Officer

Episode 5: Engaging the Empowered Buyer

Jonathan Pack joins us in the studio this week to share the latest insight on growth marketing and digital best practices. Listen and learn how to appeal to and engage today’s empowered buyers.

Jonathan Pack
Director Growth Marketing

Lisa Hyatt

Episode 4: Conversation with Zift CTO Lionel Farr

CTOs are notorious for staying behind the scenes — But Channel Chatter LIVE captured Lionel Farr, Zift’s CTO, for a great discussion about bleeding-edge channel technology and passion that fuels Zift’s roadmap, innovations, and winning strategy.

Lionel Farr
Chief Technology Officer

Lisa Hyatt

Episode 3: Catching WAVES & Hanging 10

In this episode of Channel Chatter LIVE, channel expert and former analyst Laz Gonzalez breaks down the 2020 Forrester TCMA Wave report and the categories that matter most.  Along with host Lisa Hyatt, Laz does a deep dive into Zift’s high scores and exactly why they were recognized by a leading analyst firm with top marks in 10 categories – including the highest possible score in Strategy.

Laz Gonzalez
Chief Strategy Officer

Lisa Hyatt

Episode 2: Healthy Pipeline, Healthy You

The COVID pandemic has – rightfully – put the discussion of health and well-being front and center. In this episode of Channel Chatter LIVE, mental health advocate and channel marketing pro Krista Fuller explores how we’re taking care of ourselves, families, and community during this “new normal” can be applied to creating a healthy channel pipeline and program, even in times of crisis.

Krista Fuller
VP Product Marketing

Lisa Hyatt

Episode 1: The State of the Channel in Times of COVID

In the state of COVID, no one is reaching out – literally – to connect with channel partners. This inaugural episode of Channel Chatter LIVE welcomes Gordon Rapkin and Laz Gonzalez as they share with host Lisa Hyatt what they’re hearing from channel leaders about adjusting their programs through the pandemic. The duo also chats about how channel leaders can use this time to continue to engage and motivate partners in ways that will help prepare them for when the world re-opens for business.

Gordon Rapkin
Chief Executive Officer

Laz Gonzalez
Chief Strategy Officer

Lisa Hyatt

Customer Love: Channel Engagement

Zift is here to help. Get Channel Engagement services on the house.

There’s no need to face the digital revolution alone!

Starting April 1st, we’re offering complimentary access to Zift’s Channel Engagement services until the end of June 2020. Our team of channel experts are here & ready to help you and your partners make the most of your channel during these times of change. We’re all in this together.

The Channel Engagement Accelerate services include:

  • Dedicated onboarding and expert training for 10 of your priority partners, delivered through 30-minute meetings for each partner over the course of 6 weeks
  • Global, multi-language program support
  • Engagement ROI reporting to provide a roadmap of ongoing interactions, and future channel planning
  • Zift recordings of best practice training

ZIft’s Channel Engagement Accelerate program can:

  • Demystify the digital transformation 
  • Promote and instill digital best practices in partners
  • Equip partners to respond to new buying habits
  • Simplify partner interactions with your team 
  • And much more!

To take advantage of this offer, please fill out the form above. Your Customer Success Manager will be in touch to share more information!

Summit Series

Summit Series

Brain Fuel for Channel Innovators

We LOVE so many things about our customers.  One of the things we love most is your curiosity – your passion for learning.  As you prepare your partners and your program for a ‘new normal’, we invite you to invest time in yourselves.  Grab a coffee or tea, and learn with us each week.  

Your registration for ZiftONE NOW! guarantees you a seat in any or all of the Summit webinar sessions.  Join some of your favorite Zifters live each week – or join the Zift community by watching on-demand. 

We can’t wait to share ideas with you!

New sessions have been added! See details below.

Additional Session!


Meet David LaRocque and Learn About Our Next Generation of Reporting

Join David LaRocque and get an insider’s tour of some new reporting advances we’re making in ZiftONE. Learn about some new admin reports we’re working on to improve CAM/PAM efficiency and performance.

Register Now

July 15, 2020

11:00AM ET

david smiling

David LaRocque

BI Solutions Architect

Additional Session!


Creating Advanced Dashboards

Take advantage of dashboards to assemble together groups of related metrics. Learn how to create filters for flexible analysis and scheduling.

Register Now

July 22, 2020

11:00AM ET

david smiling

David LaRocque

BI Solutions Architect

Additional Session!


Office Hours for Reporting Consultation

Bring your reporting challenges to the table. Zift’s own Business Intelligence Solution Architect, David LaRocque, will take questions and offer suggestions for approaching your channel data needs.

Register Now

August 5, 2020

9:00AM - 11:00AM ET

August 6, 2020

2:00PM - 4:00PM ET

david smiling

David LaRocque

BI Solutions Architect

Additional Session!


ZiftONE Partner Tips & Tricks

In this session we will highlight proven tips and tricks within the ZiftONE platform to help you maximize your digital marketing efforts and show you how you can use the ZiftONE platform to ensure your digital marketing is consistently successful.

Register Now

August 12, 2020

11:00AM ET

male red with red shirt and glasses

David O'Neal

Channel Engagement Manager

Additional Session!


Modern Partner Marketing Best Practices

In this session we’ll talk about five modern marketing best practices for partners, how to leverage informational & intent marketing channels to drive true demand, and how it all comes together to build a healthy and prosperous relationship between Partner and Supplier. You will walk away with both theoretical best practices to build your strategy, and actionable next steps to get you started.

Register Now

August 19, 2020

11:00AM ET

male with glasses and beard

Jonathan Pack

Director of Growth Marketing

See past sessions below. Access them on-demand by registering above.

Meaningful Learning for your Partners: Active, Constructive, Collaborative, Authentic, and Intentional

Have you created how to guides & videos to show processes, answered email questions daily, or hosted a bazillion virtual training sessions for your partners and you still don’t think it’s hitting the mark? In this session we’ll show you how to create and deliver meaningful learning to your partners. We’ll reference back to ZiftONE as the platform with examples, but these theories are universal on any technology application.

Register Now

May 27, 2020

2:00PM ET


May 28, 2020

10:00AM ET


Tim VanDoren

Training & Educational Service Manager

Partner Maturity and Campaign Options: How to Keep Your Entire Partner Community Engaged

In this session, we’ll show how to be relevant to different partner groups, including Do-It-yourself (DIY), Do-It-For-Me (DIFM) and Do-It-On-My-Behalf (DIOMB). We will show how to utilize relationship tools to properly promote, educate, and drive sustaining campaign engagement – where partners will see the value and come back for more.

Register Now

June 3, 2020

2:00PM ET


June 4, 2020

10:00AM ET


Josh Medeiros

Senior Sales Engineer

ZiftONE LMS - Everything from Best Practices to Dynamic Development of your Partners

Now that you have a LMS, what’s next? In this session we will go over everything from best practices & content development to geeking out and having some fun while delivering personable training experiences for your partners.

Register Now

June 10, 2020

2:00PM ET


June 11, 2020

10:00AM ET


Tim VanDoren

Training & Educational Service Manager

Data as an Asset: Begin with the End in Mind

Let’s celebrate this view and consider end-to-end partner data (Campaigns, MDF, Leads, Opportunities and Deals) – and what to think about as you’re building a competitive advantage using partner data.

Register Now

June 17, 2020

2:00PM ET


June 18, 2020

10:00AM ET


Josh Medeiros

Senior Sales Engineer

Social Selling for Partners

In this session, we will discuss how in a time where face-to-face events have taken a back seat, social selling has become more critical than ever. We will show you a deeper understanding of current buyers realities; the MEAD approach to social selling (Monitor, Engage, Awareness, Demand), key building blocks to drive better alignment, and how to drive engagement across prospects and customers alike.

Register Now

June 24, 2020

2:00PM ET


June 25, 2020

10:00AM ET

Laz Gonzalez

Laz Gonzalez

Chief Strategy Officer

Digital Marketing Top 10 Best Practices

Learn what best practices are shared by leading channel marketing organizations as they pivot their sales and marketing efforts towards digital. This session shares industry data to illustrate how buyers are changing and what strategies and tactics today’s digital marketers should be proficient in to drive success. The training will also cover such topics as content alignment, using social, helping partners tell their story and how to build an integrated marketing program.

Register Now

April 14, 2020

11:00AM ET

Laz Gonzalez

Laz Gonzalez

Chief Strategy Officer

2020 Marketing Odyssey: A Modern Approach to Through and With Partner Marketing Success

Think of this as an intro to all the ingredients in your pantry. Start simple, understand the basics of proven marketing tactics for your channel, including: Social Syndication, Web Content Syndication, Email Campaigns and Integrated Marketing Campaigns. This will serve as a baseline for future advanced marketing strategies.

Register Now

April 16, 2020

11:00AM ET


Josh Medeiros

Senior Sales Engineer

Scaffolded Approach to Developing your Partners

Scaffolding is a systematic approach to supporting your partners, focusing on the tasks, the environment, and the you as the facilitator of their experience. Scaffolding provides temporary frameworks to support learning and your partners performance beyond the partners’ capacities. Learn more in this session.

Register Now

April 21, 2020

11:00AM ET


Tim VanDoren

Training & Educational Service Manager

Partner Groups - Dynamically Control Your Partners Experience

Partner Groups taken beyond the basics. We will look at how ZiftONE uses partner groups to control the experience of the partner journey dynamically.

Register Now

April 23, 2020

11:00AM ET


Tim VanDoren

Training & Educational Service Manager

Partner Channel Marketing Excellence Part 1: Planning

This training will help channel marketers avoid taking the “spray-and-pray” approach, and provide best practices to leverage data to drive marketing effectiveness. The session will cover marketing planning & key-inputs, and describe both the partner and target customer data required. The training will also show how the data is used to create a buyer-aligned marketing plan and share best practices to determine which tactics to employ to address the buyer’s journey.

Register Now

April 28, 2020

11:00AM ET

Laz Gonzalez

Laz Gonzalez

Chief Strategy Officer

Partner Maturity and Campaign Options: How to Support Your Entire Partner Population

If your partner program is like most, you have a mix of partner types with differing marketing maturity levels. As a supplier, you need to be relevant and demonstrate value to these different groups for optimal success. In this course, we’ll show how you can be relevant to different partner groups, including: Do-It-Yourselfers (DIY), Do-It-For-Me’s (DIFM) and Do-It-On-My-Behalfs (DIOMB).

Register Now

April 30, 2020

11:00AM ET


Josh Medeiros

Senior Sales Engineer

Partner Channel Marketing Excellence Part 2: Execution

In this training session, participants will learn the five key elements of a best in class channel marketing program. Using industry recognized best practices and frameworks, the session shows how combining planning, enablement, use of the concierge, menu-based plays and measurement allows channel marketers to develop and execute high-performing channel marketing campaigns. Participants will also walk away with a blueprint for success that describes how and when to employ these marketing best practices.

Register Now

May 5, 2020

11:00AM ET

Laz Gonzalez

Laz Gonzalez

Chief Strategy Officer

Avoid the Drop-Off. Boost Partner Campaign Engagement Today

It can happen: a new campaign or marketing play is released, engagement peaks quickly and then drops-off. Let’s talk about how to avoid that sad campaign outcome – we’ll focus on how to utilize relationship tools to properly promote, educate and drive sustaining campaign engagement – where partners will see value and come back for more.

Register Now

May 7, 2020

11:00AM ET


Josh Medeiros

Senior Sales Engineer

Data as an Asset: Begin with the End in Mind

Let’s celebrate this view and consider end-to-end partner data (Campaigns, MDF, Leads, Opportunities and Deals) – and what to think about as you’re building a competitive advantage using partner data.

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May 12, 2020

11:00AM ET


Josh Medeiros

Senior Sales Engineer

Lead to Revenue: Make it Easy for Partners to Close the Loop

Closing the loop requires tight, automated integration of sales and marketing activities. Fortunately, ZiftONE makes it easy for partners to generate leads, nurture interest and manage opportunities through closure. Let’s walk through a partner day-in-the-life and showcase the possibilities.

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May 14, 2020

11:00AM ET


Josh Medeiros

Senior Sales Engineer

Customer Love: Channel Assessment

Zift is here to help. Get a Channel Assessment on the house.

The world is in flux, and “the new norm” has yet to be established. In these trying times, Zift is here to help equip you, your team, and your partners with the insights needed to make your channel the cornerstone of your business.

Starting April 1st, we’d like to provide you with complimentary access to Zift’s Channel Assessment program.  Until June 30th, our team of channel experts are available to audit your channel program and provide strategic guidance to help your channel weather these uncertain times. We’re all in this together.

Zift’s free Channel Assessment includes:

  • Zift’s Channel Survey delivered to key program stakeholders to capture key priorities and success in meeting said priorities
  • Delivery of Zift’s program findings and recommendations based on your business inputs
  • Stakeholder briefing led by Zift to discuss program findings and next steps

ZIft’s Channel Assessment can help improve:

  • Recruiting partners that can grow your business in changing environments
  • Managing the digital transformation necessary today
  • Aligning channel sales & marketing leaders 
  • Equipping partners for new buying habits
  • Simplifying partner interactions and business process 
  • And much more!

To take advantage of this offer, please fill out the form above. Your Customer Success Manager will be in touch to share more information!

channel visions

Channel Visions - Volume 2


Download Now

You’ll wish your volume dial went up to 11.

The follow-up to the smash hit, Essential Channel Visions Greatest Hits is here!  This new collection features more from the channel experts who can help you turn your program up to a new level.

Listen and learn:

  • What channel partners need from you to really succeed
  • How you can use data strategically to boost ROI
  • What to look for when you’re searching for channel technology
  • How great content can improve the partner experience

Frank the ChanTech Monster



Have you created a monster?

The Misadventures of Frank the Chantech Monster

Read the Book
(if you DARE)

Have you created a monster? Fear not – we’ll help wrangle your ChanTech Frankenstein. You’ll quickly recognize the havoc he’s wreaking on your program and partners in our latest eBook. The question remains: How can you tame this beast? We’ll show you how an end-to-end approach can turn a dark and stormy night into a bright shiny new day for your channel program and partners.

Find out how:

  • Frank can scare off partners by denying them a seamless experience from the start
  • Stitching together so many different systems can hamper your channel program 
  • To regain control and visibility across your channel data, partners and program
  • An end-to-end approach to channel management can bring a new day to your channel


Train Our Troops

Supporting Veterans and Their Families


For Glen Brynteson, offering training solutions to veterans and their families is more than a job — it’s a calling. Find out how veteran nonprofit, TrainOurTroops helps veterans receive training and ultimately find jobs and in the civilian workforce.

How Technology Fuels the Mission


Workshops? Networking opportunities? Training through state of the art LMS technology found in ZiftONE?  Find out why, and how, veteran nonprofit, TrainOurTroops assists veterans and their families on their path to rewarding civilian careers — and how Zift supports them every step of the way.

Together as ONE


As a veteran himself, Sean Lardo understands the challenges that can come from transitioning from military life to a civilian career. Sean now serves as an advisory board member with TrainOurTroops, a nonprofit focused on putting more veterans within reach of civilian careers where they’ll be able to flourish. While working for Zift Solutions, Sean saw a chance to align TrainOurTroops’ mission with Zift’s technology to ultimately help more veterans and their spouses navigate to the next chapter in their careers.

Want to know how we did it?

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Partner Relationship Management Demo

Discover PRM Success with ZiftONE

The ZiftONE PRM was designed with one outcome in mind: channel revenue. And how do we help you achieve that channel revenue? By outpacing & outwitting your competition, quantifying pipeline health from marketing all the way to sales, managing every stage of deal progression, and helping you transform your partners into advocates for your business.

Deal registration? Check. Sales enablement? Check. Lead & deal lifecycle management? Check and check. Features are table stakes, and you deserve better. You deserve a new way to manage partners, with a team that’s ready to help you win. A team that’s worked hard to help its customers achieve:

  • 6x boost in deal registration
  • 30% reduction in lead lifecycle
  • 50% expansion of market reach
  • 400% ROI

Is your channel ready? Fill out the form to the right to learn how ZiftONE Partner Relationship Management can accelerate your channel sales today.

“Zift is a great PRM and I would recommend it to anyone looking for this solution.”

David P
VP, Marketing
Mid-Market (201-500 employees)

Channel Visions - eBook



In this exclusive compilation eBook, we bring you the best in the business sharing what they do to make their channel programs rock. Ready to move your program to the top of the charts? Get tips and words of wisdom from some of the channel’s leading artists who have built channel programs that deliver results. Flip. Read. Watch. Rock on!

Get your Channel Greatest Hits

The Forrester Wave: Partner Relationship Management (PRM), Q4 2018

The Forrester Wave™: Partner Relationship Management, Q4 2018

Forrester Research has named Zift Solutions a Leader in Partner Relationship Management. Ready to learn why? Download the report below!
More InfoDownload now
Paperwork discussing the Forrester Wave PRM, Q4 2018

See Why Zift Solutions is a PRM Leader

Why read this report?

According to Forrester Research, “End-To-End Partner Management Is Critical To Reach New Buyers.” Zift agrees.

Download your complimentary copy of The Forrester Wave™: Partner Relationship Management (PRM), Q4 2018 to see why Zift is a PRM Leader.

“Zift has come together with Relayware and Elastic Grid to create a full-function partner platform that goes beyond PRM to include through-channel marketing and creative/concierge-type services.” — The Forrester Wave™: Partner Relationship Management, Q4 2018.

This report contains

  • Complete vendor evaluations covering 26 unique criteria
  • A thorough overview of Partner Relationship Management (PRM) trends
  • Detailed analysis of how PRM drives partner engagement and ROI

female being recorded by camera

Qlik Testimonial Video

When it came to choosing the right technology vendor for Qlik’s channel program, Lisa Stifelman-Perry found the partnership she was looking for in Zift . As Director of Partner Marketing Operations & Experience at Qlik, Lisa talks about the benefit of working with people who understand the channel and deliver purpose-built solutions that foster a positive channel partner experience.

Want to know how we did it?

Contact Us

Orasi logo

Orasi Case Study


Using Zift, Orasi Software has solved lead generation and nurturing challenges, extended marketing resources, and captured more sales opportunities through an integrated approach complete with online advertising, multi-touch campaigns and social media. “We’ve earned a 48 to 1 return on investment with Zift Solutions, which has allowed us to expand our reach, generate new leads and create more opportunities without overburdening our team,” said Chris White, AVP of Marketing, Orasi Software.

“Zift has helped us capture more leads and capitalize on the power of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) online advertising,” White said. A recent nine-week PPC campaign supported by tele-qualification and offering a pre-approved HPE eBook added more than $325K to Orasi’s sales pipeline and achieved a 48:1 return on investment. Plus, just one multi-touch email campaign series leveraging pre-approved HPE assets quickly generated 148 new leads with 112 leads qualified by sales. “The multi-touch campaigns provide us with the content that we need to promote our solutions and services – and move leads through the sales process faster,” said White.

Zift Solutions also has a strong relationship with HPE and understands their messaging, which allows Orasi to significantly shorten or bypass what can be a lengthy content approval process and take advantage of pre-approved HPE content across a number of marketing initiatives, including their website, online advertising and social media efforts. Direct integration with means new leads are delivered immediately to the sales team within a familiar interface. There is much less risk of leads getting lost in the shuffle of manual processes and it’s easy for Orasi to track and share lead activity with HPE. Zift Managed Services deliver end-to-end and hands-on support from channel marketing experts across the lifecycle of Orasi campaigns. “Zift’s Managed Services now serves as an extension of our marketing team, providing us with the strategic insight and dedicated resources we need to manage campaigns,” said White. No longer alone in their efforts, Orasi can reach out to the Zift Managed Services team at any time to collaborate with experts, define their priorities and easily execute the the best campaigns to achieve desired results.

“We’ve earned a 48 to 1 return on investment with Zift Solutions, which has allowed us to expand our reach, generate new leads, and create more opportunities without overburdening our team.”


Orasi Software has established a strong reputation as an HPE Platinum Partner and value added reseller offering certified consulting and support for HPE’s industry leading test management, test automation and performance testing solutions. Aside from HPE, Orasi also works with multiple partners and vendors, which can make marketing even more complex. Like many channel partners, Orasi has a small marketing team. “We needed help getting to the right people, at the right time, with the right message, which is tough when you’re resource-constrained, but absolutely necessary to take marketing to the next level,” said Chris White, AVP of Marketing, Orasi Software.

Aside from a lack of resources, Orasi was struggling with several familiar channel marketing challenges, the first of which was an insufficient contact database. While the company had a decent sized database, it wasn’t populated with the right contacts and the team was wasting time reaching out to people without the budget or buying authority to make purchases. “We tried purchasing lists, but they failed miserably,” said White. “Purchased lists were not just expensive, they were often outdated, did not contain the right contacts for our outreach efforts and with cold lists there was no relationship established with the prospects.” Constantly under pressure from sales to generate and deliver new leads, Orasi needed new tools, tactics and strategies to engage and nurture prospects. The solution also needed to demonstrate its value and return on investment quickly.

“Working with Zift saves us a ton of time and allows us to focus on the things that we can be doing internally while they use their expertise to deliver results we couldn’t achieve on our own.”


Orasi was provided access to Zift Solutions through HPE starting in 2009. Taking an integrated approach, Orasi is capturing the benefits of several Zift features, including syndicated web content, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) online advertising, multitouch email campaigns and social media syndication. “With Zift Solutions, we finally found the answers to those nagging questions, ‘How do we get more leads?’ and ‘How do we nurture those leads to close once they are in our systems?’,” said White.

“Zift provides functionality that most marketing automation solutions don’t and we’re taking advantage of those opportunities at Orasi,” White said. For example, Orasi recently launched a PPC campaign using Zift that included a tie-in with LinkedIn and sponsored online ads that drive leads to a dedicated landing page. Multi-touch email campaigns to Orasi’s prospect database, as well as leads generated by their PPC campaigns, are putting Orasi out in front of prospects faster and creating new opportunities to nurture leads. Online content syndication capabilities automatically populate HPE-approved panels on Orasi’s website and provide detailed metrics about views, clicks and site visitors. Pre-approved content from HPE is being used to enhance social media efforts. Moreover, direct integration with streamlines lead distribution and enhances visibility around lead activities.

Zift Managed Services has also helped Orasi expand their reach. “With limited resources, our team was constantly overstretched trying to do everything required to build awareness and generate demand,” said White. “Sharing our goals with Zift and letting them actively manage campaigns saves us a ton of time and allows us to focus on the things that we can be doing internally while they use their expertise to deliver results we couldn’t achieve on our own.”

“Zift’s Managed Services now serves as an extension of our marketing team, providing us with the strategic insight and dedicated resources we need to manage campaigns.”

Kaspersky Lab logo

Kaspersky Case Study


Kaspersky continues to rapidly advance its market position, demonstrating significant growth in all regions supported by a substantial indirect sales channel. Their indirect channel is crucial to success; therefore it was key to improve the company’s channel management capability efficiently and cost-effectively while extending Kaspersky’s competitive lead. Kaspersky recognized that existing systems were not able to facilitate this; specifically that CRM combined with mere portal offerings were incapable of meeting the increasingly sophisticated needs of their channel. They required a high-performance, highly available, and a highly scalable purpose-built B2B collaboration & multi-channel communication solution.

This had to facilitate sales, marketing and program automation and a broad range of community collaboration features. These included channel partner self-profiling and self-segmentation, sales lead and opportunity collaboration, collaborative joint business planning, an environment for information and best practice sharing, training, certification and accreditation achievement automation. Equally important were reporting and analytical tools, joint-marketing program automation and community feedback solicitation tools. All of these were required to have seamless integration with Kaspersky’s existing CRM systems.

Kaspersky defined a set of high-level objectives for indirect channel enablement including but not limited to:

  • Raising channel partner credibility and competency
  • Promoting channel partner differentiation
  • Increasing market visibility for both the channel partner and Kaspersky
  • Driving channel revenue and profitability
  • Strengthening vendor-channel partner relationships (including collaboration and communication)

“Zift provides a powerful, highly available and scalable purpose-built solution to handle all aspects of our channel collaboration and communication through a wide variety of mediums, and it integrates seamlessly with our other systems including Salesforce CRM.”

– Chris Doggett, SVP, Corporate Sales, North America for Kaspersky Lab


Kaspersky wanted to initiate the implementation for their North American markets quickly and to go live in the Summer of 2012 in order to support their aggressive business targets and the chosen technology provider would have to adhere to strict and challenging timescales.


Kaspersky initially engaged with Zift and other potential providers of portal offerings in 2010 and again in 2011 sampling the market to enable them to define their technical and functional requirements before running a formal RFP process in the Fall of 2011 with a shortlist of three suppliers.


This process helped them to conclude that they needed far more than a mere “partner portal”. The market remains crowded with CRM vendors and software companies offering enterprise collaboration and communication solutions but there are very few companies who take collaboration and multi-channel communication beyond the enterprise. Kaspersky concluded that Zift stood out from the crowd due to its uniqueness on this key point.


Once commissioned Zift’s team of experts worked with Kaspersky on the following:

  • Translation of business needs into clear and concise functional requirements and specifications
  • Detailed solution design workshops
  • Detailed solution demonstrations
  • Detailed CRM integration design and data mapping
  • Zift product strategy and roadmap disclosure
  • Budgeting and affordability analysis
  • Delivery of a formal Statement of Work including a phased functionality implementation plan
  • Commercial terms negotiation


Zift designed a phased implementation schedule that enabled delivery of the complete solution by way of addressing Kaspersky’s most urgent business priorities first.

High priorities included:

  • CRM integration
  • Deployment of a global multi-lingual portal
  • Sales and marketing automation
  • Replication of essential programs to ensure consistency for channel partners while improving on process and efficiency before new programs were added and automated
  • Building of a Zift custom quote tool on the same platform


The benefits that Kaspersky have enjoyed and continue to enjoy since going live in the summer of 2012 include:

  • Significant improvements in channel collaboration including recruitment, on-boarding, training and certification as well as joint-sales opportunity management and customer quotation
  • Increased channel recruitment (more companies and more individuals than ever before selling their products)
  • Improved on-boarding (sales, marketing and technical people becoming effective faster and more eager to press ahead with formal training and enablement)
  • Increased uptake of training and certification programs (better trained sales, marketing and technical resources engaging with their customers)
  • Remote collaboration with communities of individuals across its channel in joint selling, marketing and support
  • Targeted communications to ensure that they are timely, pertinent, of interest and of value to the recipient
  • Social network integration
  • Multi-lingual portal
  • Increased growth and profitability through improved communication and collaboration with intermediaries


Kaspersky Lab approached Zift to provide a scalable channel collaboration and multi-channel communication platform that integrated with and extended its existing implementation while supporting certain custom features. Zift offered the capability to connect their global indirect sales channel to the internal tools, information and resources they needed such that Kaspersky Lab could deliver on the promise of providing high-impact solutions and sales benefits, enhanced intermediary offerings, whilst increasing their revenue. Direct feedback from Kaspersky is highly positive, citing Zift as a key enabler in channel success.

Want to know how we did it?

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Have we drilled home that Zift is about way more than software? Let’s do it again here. Zift is about way more than software. We care about technology of course, but we’re just as obsessed about giving you the knowledge, best practices, peer insights, and more of the stuff we all need to get ahead.

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