New Leads


in New Pipeline


Return on Investment


New SQLs

About Orasi

A Leading Provider of Software Testing Services

An HPE Platinum Partner, Orasi Software is a leading provider of software testing services using market-leading test management, test automation, enterprise testing, environment hosting and mobile testing technology. For over 12 years, Orasi has consistently helped customers successfully implement and integrate software testing environments to reduce the cost and risk of software failures.

Their Business Objective

Getting to the Right People, at the Right Time, with the Right Messaging

Orasi Software has established a strong reputation as an HPE Platinum Partner and value added reseller offering certified consulting and support for HPE’s industry leading test management, test automation and performance testing solutions. Aside from HPE, Orasi also works with multiple partners and vendors, which can make marketing even more complex. Like many channel partners, Orasi has a small marketing team. “We needed help getting to the right people, at the right time, with the right message, which is tough when you’re resource-constrained, but absolutely necessary to take marketing to the next level,” said Chris White, AVP of Marketing, Orasi Software.

Aside from a lack of resources, Orasi was struggling with several familiar channel marketing challenges, the first of which was an insufficient contact database. While the company had a decent sized database, it wasn’t populated with the right contacts and the team was wasting time reaching out to people without the budget or buying authority to make purchases. “We tried purchasing lists, but they failed miserably,” said White. “Purchased lists were not just expensive, they were often outdated, did not contain the right contacts for our outreach efforts and with cold lists there was no relationship established with the prospects.” Constantly under pressure from sales to generate and deliver new leads, Orasi needed new tools, tactics and strategies to engage and nurture prospects. The solution also needed to demonstrate its value and return on investment quickly.

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Their Solution

Share Their Goals with Zift

Orasi was provided access to Zift Solutions through HPE starting in 2009. Taking an integrated approach, Orasi is capturing the benefits of several Zift features, including syndicated web content, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) online advertising, multitouch email campaigns and social media syndication. “With Zift Solutions, we finally found the answers to those nagging questions, ‘How do we get more leads?’ and ‘How do we nurture those leads to close once they are in our systems?’,” said White.

“Zift provides functionality that most marketing automation solutions don’t and we’re taking advantage of those opportunities at Orasi,” White said. For example, Orasi recently launched a PPC campaign using Zift that included a tie-in with LinkedIn and sponsored online ads that drive leads to a dedicated landing page. Multi-touch email campaigns to Orasi’s prospect database, as well as leads generated by their PPC campaigns, are putting Orasi out in front of prospects faster and creating new opportunities to nurture leads. Online content syndication capabilities automatically populate HPE-approved panels on Orasi’s website and provide detailed metrics about views, clicks and site visitors. Pre-approved content from HPE is being used to enhance social media efforts. Moreover, direct integration with Salesforce.com streamlines lead distribution and enhances visibility around lead activities.

Zift Managed Services has also helped Orasi expand their reach. “With limited resources, our team was constantly overstretched trying to do everything required to build awareness and generate demand,” said White. “Sharing our goals with Zift and letting them actively manage campaigns saves us a ton of time and allows us to focus on the things that we can be doing internally while they use their expertise to deliver results we couldn’t achieve on our own.”

Their Results

Expanded Reach. New Leads. New Opportunities. Less Burden.

Using Zift, Orasi Software has solved lead generation and nurturing challenges, extended marketing resources, and captured more sales opportunities through an integrated approach complete with online advertising, multi-touch campaigns and social media. “We’ve earned a 48 to 1 return on investment with Zift Solutions, which has allowed us to expand our reach, generate new leads and create more opportunities without overburdening our team,” said Chris White, AVP of Marketing, Orasi Software.

“Zift has helped us capture more leads and capitalize on the power of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) online advertising,” White said. A recent nine-week PPC campaign supported by tele-qualification and offering a pre-approved HPE eBook added more than $325K to Orasi’s sales pipeline and achieved a 48:1 return on investment. Plus, just one multi-touch email campaign series leveraging pre-approved HPE assets quickly generated 148 new leads with 112 leads qualified by sales. “The multi-touch campaigns provide us with the content that we need to promote our solutions and services – and move leads through the sales process faster,” said White.

Zift Solutions also has a strong relationship with HPE and understands their messaging, which allows Orasi to significantly shorten or bypass what can be a lengthy content approval process and take advantage of pre-approved HPE content across a number of marketing initiatives, including their website, online advertising and social media efforts. Direct integration with Salesforce.com means new leads are delivered immediately to the sales team within a familiar interface. There is much less risk of leads getting lost in the shuffle of manual processes and it’s easy for Orasi to track and share lead activity with HPE. Zift Managed Services deliver end-to-end and hands-on support from channel marketing experts across the lifecycle of Orasi campaigns. “Zift’s Managed Services now serves as an extension of our marketing team, providing us with the strategic insight and dedicated resources we need to manage campaigns,” said White. No longer alone in their efforts, Orasi can reach out to the Zift Managed Services team at any time to collaborate with experts, define their priorities and easily execute the the best campaigns to achieve desired results.

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