Brain Fuel for Channel Innovators
We LOVE so many things about our customers. One of the things we love most is your curiosity – your passion for learning. As you prepare your partners and your program for a ‘new normal’, we invite you to invest time in yourselves. Grab a coffee or tea, and learn with us each week.
Your registration for ZiftONE NOW! guarantees you a seat in any or all of the Summit webinar sessions. Join some of your favorite Zifters live each week – or join the Zift community by watching on-demand.
We can’t wait to share ideas with you!
New sessions have been added! See details below.
Additional Session! Meet David LaRocque and Learn About Our Next Generation of Reporting
Join David LaRocque and get an insider’s tour of some new reporting advances we’re making in ZiftONE. Learn about some new admin reports we’re working on to improve CAM/PAM efficiency and performance.
July 15, 202011:00AM ET

David LaRocqueBI Solutions Architect
Additional Session! Creating Advanced Dashboards
Take advantage of dashboards to assemble together groups of related metrics. Learn how to create filters for flexible analysis and scheduling.
July 22, 202011:00AM ET

David LaRocqueBI Solutions Architect
Additional Session! Office Hours for Reporting Consultation
Bring your reporting challenges to the table. Zift’s own Business Intelligence Solution Architect, David LaRocque, will take questions and offer suggestions for approaching your channel data needs.
August 5, 20209:00AM - 11:00AM ET
August 6, 20202:00PM - 4:00PM ET

David LaRocqueBI Solutions Architect
Additional Session! ZiftONE Partner Tips & Tricks
In this session we will highlight proven tips and tricks within the ZiftONE platform to help you maximize your digital marketing efforts and show you how you can use the ZiftONE platform to ensure your digital marketing is consistently successful.
August 12, 202011:00AM ET

David O'NealChannel Engagement Manager
Additional Session! Modern Partner Marketing Best Practices
In this session we’ll talk about five modern marketing best practices for partners, how to leverage informational & intent marketing channels to drive true demand, and how it all comes together to build a healthy and prosperous relationship between Partner and Supplier. You will walk away with both theoretical best practices to build your strategy, and actionable next steps to get you started.
August 19, 202011:00AM ET

Jonathan PackDirector of Growth Marketing
See past sessions below. Access them on-demand by registering above.
Meaningful Learning for your Partners: Active, Constructive, Collaborative, Authentic, and Intentional
Have you created how to guides & videos to show processes, answered email questions daily, or hosted a bazillion virtual training sessions for your partners and you still don’t think it’s hitting the mark? In this session we’ll show you how to create and deliver meaningful learning to your partners. We’ll reference back to ZiftONE as the platform with examples, but these theories are universal on any technology application.
May 27, 20202:00PM ET
May 28, 202010:00AM ET

Tim VanDorenTraining & Educational Service Manager
Partner Maturity and Campaign Options: How to Keep Your Entire Partner Community Engaged
In this session, we’ll show how to be relevant to different partner groups, including Do-It-yourself (DIY), Do-It-For-Me (DIFM) and Do-It-On-My-Behalf (DIOMB). We will show how to utilize relationship tools to properly promote, educate, and drive sustaining campaign engagement – where partners will see the value and come back for more.
June 3, 20202:00PM ET
June 4, 202010:00AM ET

Josh MedeirosSenior Sales Engineer
ZiftONE LMS - Everything from Best Practices to Dynamic Development of your Partners
Now that you have a LMS, what’s next? In this session we will go over everything from best practices & content development to geeking out and having some fun while delivering personable training experiences for your partners.
June 10, 20202:00PM ET
June 11, 202010:00AM ET

Tim VanDorenTraining & Educational Service Manager
Data as an Asset: Begin with the End in Mind
Let’s celebrate this view and consider end-to-end partner data (Campaigns, MDF, Leads, Opportunities and Deals) – and what to think about as you’re building a competitive advantage using partner data.
June 17, 20202:00PM ET
June 18, 202010:00AM ET

Josh MedeirosSenior Sales Engineer
Social Selling for Partners
In this session, we will discuss how in a time where face-to-face events have taken a back seat, social selling has become more critical than ever. We will show you a deeper understanding of current buyers realities; the MEAD approach to social selling (Monitor, Engage, Awareness, Demand), key building blocks to drive better alignment, and how to drive engagement across prospects and customers alike.
June 24, 20202:00PM ET
June 25, 202010:00AM ET

Laz GonzalezChief Strategy Officer
Digital Marketing Top 10 Best Practices
Learn what best practices are shared by leading channel marketing organizations as they pivot their sales and marketing efforts towards digital. This session shares industry data to illustrate how buyers are changing and what strategies and tactics today’s digital marketers should be proficient in to drive success. The training will also cover such topics as content alignment, using social, helping partners tell their story and how to build an integrated marketing program.
April 14, 202011:00AM ET

Laz GonzalezChief Strategy Officer
2020 Marketing Odyssey: A Modern Approach to Through and With Partner Marketing Success
Think of this as an intro to all the ingredients in your pantry. Start simple, understand the basics of proven marketing tactics for your channel, including: Social Syndication, Web Content Syndication, Email Campaigns and Integrated Marketing Campaigns. This will serve as a baseline for future advanced marketing strategies.
April 16, 202011:00AM ET

Josh MedeirosSenior Sales Engineer
Scaffolded Approach to Developing your Partners
Scaffolding is a systematic approach to supporting your partners, focusing on the tasks, the environment, and the you as the facilitator of their experience. Scaffolding provides temporary frameworks to support learning and your partners performance beyond the partners’ capacities. Learn more in this session.
April 21, 202011:00AM ET

Tim VanDorenTraining & Educational Service Manager
Partner Groups - Dynamically Control Your Partners Experience
Partner Groups taken beyond the basics. We will look at how ZiftONE uses partner groups to control the experience of the partner journey dynamically.
April 23, 202011:00AM ET

Tim VanDorenTraining & Educational Service Manager
Partner Channel Marketing Excellence Part 1: Planning
This training will help channel marketers avoid taking the “spray-and-pray” approach, and provide best practices to leverage data to drive marketing effectiveness. The session will cover marketing planning & key-inputs, and describe both the partner and target customer data required. The training will also show how the data is used to create a buyer-aligned marketing plan and share best practices to determine which tactics to employ to address the buyer’s journey.
April 28, 202011:00AM ET

Laz GonzalezChief Strategy Officer
Partner Maturity and Campaign Options: How to Support Your Entire Partner Population
If your partner program is like most, you have a mix of partner types with differing marketing maturity levels. As a supplier, you need to be relevant and demonstrate value to these different groups for optimal success. In this course, we’ll show how you can be relevant to different partner groups, including: Do-It-Yourselfers (DIY), Do-It-For-Me’s (DIFM) and Do-It-On-My-Behalfs (DIOMB).
April 30, 202011:00AM ET

Josh MedeirosSenior Sales Engineer
Partner Channel Marketing Excellence Part 2: Execution
In this training session, participants will learn the five key elements of a best in class channel marketing program. Using industry recognized best practices and frameworks, the session shows how combining planning, enablement, use of the concierge, menu-based plays and measurement allows channel marketers to develop and execute high-performing channel marketing campaigns. Participants will also walk away with a blueprint for success that describes how and when to employ these marketing best practices.
May 5, 202011:00AM ET

Laz GonzalezChief Strategy Officer
Avoid the Drop-Off. Boost Partner Campaign Engagement Today
It can happen: a new campaign or marketing play is released, engagement peaks quickly and then drops-off. Let’s talk about how to avoid that sad campaign outcome – we’ll focus on how to utilize relationship tools to properly promote, educate and drive sustaining campaign engagement – where partners will see value and come back for more.
May 7, 202011:00AM ET

Josh MedeirosSenior Sales Engineer
Data as an Asset: Begin with the End in Mind
Let’s celebrate this view and consider end-to-end partner data (Campaigns, MDF, Leads, Opportunities and Deals) – and what to think about as you’re building a competitive advantage using partner data.
May 12, 202011:00AM ET

Josh MedeirosSenior Sales Engineer
Lead to Revenue: Make it Easy for Partners to Close the Loop
Closing the loop requires tight, automated integration of sales and marketing activities. Fortunately, ZiftONE makes it easy for partners to generate leads, nurture interest and manage opportunities through closure. Let’s walk through a partner day-in-the-life and showcase the possibilities.
May 14, 202011:00AM ET

Josh MedeirosSenior Sales Engineer