Scroll up, scroll down, scroll all around this blog and it’s obvious we love to talk all things Channel. It’s our passion. When you have a powder keg of some of the best and brightest channel minds gathered together here at Zift, it’s what you talk about.
Look, I’ve been in marketing a long time, so I’m no stranger to today’s marketing speak and business jargon. Every day my head swirls around the alphabet soup we’ve cooked up in our work world. We try to one up each other on the latest, buzziest, trendiest way of naming something new or, heck, even changing up something we already knew.
But lately we’ve been having a conversation among the Zift marketing team about how all of language in general creates a “voice” and how it gives us our Zift voice.
Among all the words we use, all the acronyms and tech talk (I’ll take a side of CHaaS with my ChanTech, please…), we also use words like MORE and DIFFERENT.
And on my morning walk to the break room to get coffee, I am reminded that those words don’t just serve as marketing speak. MORE and DIFFERENT define us.
Zift is made up of 200+ strong, all of whom bring more than resumes and technical expertise. While we “do” technology, we know our customers need – and deserve – more than that to be successful in today’s competitive channel landscape. That’s why we’ve built a company that doesn’t just sell software but also provides expert services and intelligence. We’re doers. We’re fixers. We’re fighters. We’re dreamers.
We are also artists, singers, musicians, and photographers.
We are amateur gourmet cooks and (ridiculously) good bakers.
We do cross-stitch and pilot airplanes (really).
We do cosplay and Krav Maga.
We do parkour and jiu-jitsu.
We coach and mentor and volunteer.
We are (former) soccer stars and spelling champs and semi-pro hockey players
We run book clubs and run our kids to and from practice.
We want to better introduce you to the characters and creativity and moxie that makes Zift, Zift. So on your future scrolls — up, down, all around — we’ll be sharing more of our voice here on Channel Chatter. More about our people and our “Why.” We’ll be bringing you closer to the folks that really make our tech “tick.” We’re gonna “walk the walk” while we “talk the talk.” We’re going to take it the “next level.”
We’re gonna show you what makes Zift different.