Imagine, if you will, you’re the ruler of a kingdom — or seven kingdoms, even. You’ve got advisers and councils that oversee every aspect of your kingdom, and you, sitting on your throne, have eyes and ears everywhere.
Ok, yes. This is a Game of Thrones reference. Can you blame us? The final season is here and we’re excited! Don’t worry, this post is spoiler-free.
Back to the matter at hand: Let’s talk about sitting on that throne again. If there was a just ruler for Westeros, one who had ultimate visibility into every noble house, stronghold, and village in the land, that would be … YOU. At least, that would be you if you think of your partner program as your kingdom. Channel marketers hold the keys to the kingdom with Enterprise Channel Management. Send word to your nearest blacksmith for a suitable crown and get ready to learn a little more about ECM’s advantages.
A Dragon’s-Eye View of Visibility
Visibility is, simply put, transparency. Seeing every step of every process in every nook and cranny of your program has obvious advantages. Keeping track of how many partners are using individual aspects of campaigns and how they’re interacting with your platform are only two of the ways visibility can help you out.
Visibility can also be interpreted as synchronicity in the moving parts of your platform. Information flowing seamlessly from one aspect of your program to another is vital to maintaining accurate records.
Keep Your Alliances Strong with Alignment
Allegiances shift from week to week on Game of Thrones. Your partner program is built of stronger stuff, though, and your channel team is focused on one goal: the success of that program. Now if only you could just get sales and marketing on the same page. Much like some alliances on the show, sales and marketing are working toward the same goal, but can be doing it in ways that counteract the other’s plans. Staying on the same page — and working in a platform that prioritizes user experience — is crucial to your channel running efficiently. Wouldn’t want sales not to take full advantage of a marketing push, right? With ECM, channel organization is made simple with services and support, so taking advantage of a big opportunity from another department is easy.
Seven Kingdoms? More Like ONE
Spend less time chasing information from your ChanTech Monster (or ChanTech Mountain) and more time ruling over a peaceful kingdom — not seven individual channel kingdoms, but ONE fully integrated platform through which your entire channel can be ruled.
Want to learn more about how end-to-end visibility can benefit your channel? Sign up for our 5/1 webinar, “People, Process & Platform: Turning Enterprise Channel Management into Profit,” where we’ll be discussing the advantages of increased visibility as well as why sales and marketing alignment is vital for your channel’s success.
We’d also love to hear about how you’re ruling your own channel kingdom! Leave a comment below with your thoughts on visibility — and if you mention who you’re rooting for to sit the Iron Throne, we won’t judge.