Looking for a way to help your partners gain followers, sell your products, and engage on social media? ZiftONE’s social media syndication works through key platforms – such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook – to help you connect in multiple ways.
This week, Zift improved the administration for social media, making it even easier for suppliers like you to create new posts, see what posts have been created, and view engagement results of the posts that have already been distributed through partners.
- New Post Scheduled: ZiftONE’s post scheduler is even easier to use than it was before. It offers a simple, visual way to create a post with full support for videos and multiple photos. Create scheduled posts and posts for your library–where partners can pick and choose posts to send later–all at once.
- Weekly Schedule and Calendar View: See where you have posts scheduled and what platform they are on in both a calendar and weekly view. You can use your filters to see posts by tag and better identify when you have holes in your schedule to ensure a robust schedule of social media posts for your partners.
- Social Hub Dashboard: See what’s working and what isn’t with quick-to-access built-in analytics. Get a comprehensive view of your posts’ performance so you can optimize future content.
With these new changes, your partners will still get the same great experience that they’ve come to know from ZiftONE, including the ability to auto-post or review posts, subscribe to posts by topic, and customize certain posts you specify before they go out. Recently, Zift gave partners the ability to connect their personal accounts as well as company accounts, so everyone who sells for you can represent you on social media.
The updated Through-Partner Social Media Administration is already available to existing Zift customers. Not a customer and want to see ZiftONE in action? Start a conversation with us.

April Samuelson
April Samuelson is the Director of Product Marketing at Zift Solutions.