Content syndication is not only an effective tool for vendors and partners, it can provide a powerful boost to your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts. The more fresh, relevant and specific content that appears on your website, the greater the chances are you’ll rank well across the various search engines and stand out from the competition.

Dynamic Content Syndication Delivers Customized Content That’s Good for SEO

Far from “search spam,” which is intentionally duplicated content that appears within the same website and is designed to manipulate search results and gain more traffic, dynamic content syndication provides customized content that is good for SEO. Keep in mind a comprehensive marketing strategy centered on high-caliber content remains one of the best ways to organically grow your search ranking.

Staying Out In Front of Evolving SEO Technology

Zift is always on top of advancements and changes to SEO technology and we’ve been watching Google’s latest algorithm update, known as Panda 4.0, closely. The aim of Panda 4.0 is to sniff out websites with too much duplicate or poor quality content with little value to users, particularly content that is meant to be deceptive and manipulate search engine results.

Legitimate Syndication Translates to More High-Quality Content

Panda 4.0 has some worried about the potentially negative impact of content syndication on search engine rankings and website traffic. Sites that aggressively aggregate and post irrelevant or repetitive content will likely see traffic loss due to Panda 4.0. However, legitimate content syndication translates to more high-quality content on your website and it will not negatively affect your Google® rankings.

The Zift experts are actively keeping an eye on Panda 4.0 (just as we have and will with all Google and Search Engine updates). Since its May release, we have seen no negative impacts to sites that utilize Zift’s dynamic content syndication. Rest assured that we’ll continue to stay out in front of evolving SEO technology developments and keep you up-to-date with best practices to optimize your content, site rankings and results.