Solving Common Channel Management Issues

In today’s complex B2B ecosystem, traditional Partner Relationship Management (PRM) software is often criticized for its inability to keep up with the fast pace of partner-led and influenced deals. While legacy PRMs once served a purpose, they’ve struggled to adapt to the demands of modern channel partnerships. Unifyr, the evolution of Zift Solutions, stands out as a comprehensive, AI-powered platform that unifies suppliers, partners, and agencies. It’s not just an updated PRM but a solution designed to solve the most pressing challenges in partner management.

Unifyr is more than just an updated PRM—it’s a comprehensive, AI-powered platform built to unify suppliers, partners, and agencies. It simplifies operations, enhances collaboration, and creates new growth opportunities, addressing the limitations that legacy PRMs often fail to resolve. Here’s how Unifyr tackles these challenges.

The Evolution of Partner Management: From PRM to Unifyr

Legacy PRMs often need to catch up in today’s interconnected value chains, but the journey from traditional PRM to Unifyr represents a significant transformation in channel management, not just an upgrade.

Revolutionizing the Partner Experience (PX)

One of the biggest criticisms of traditional PRMs is their poor partner experience, which is typically reduced to a “password-protected brochure” model with static libraries and limited engagement. Unifyr flips this model by creating an AI-driven, collaborative platform that empowers partners with personalized onboarding, guided training, and customized workflows.

Instead of simply pushing information, Unifyr makes partners active participants in the process, giving them the tools and resources to contribute meaningfully to your business. Recent insights from Jay McBain, Chief Analyst at Canalys, confirm that partners value ease of onboarding, personalized training, and clear objectives above financial incentives. Unifyr is built to address these priorities, empowering partners for growth and success.

Eliminating Data Fragmentation

Another common issue with legacy PRMs is fragmented data, where silos and a lack of integration obscure partner performance. Unifyr resolves this with seamless integration across your entire tech stack and real-time analytics that provide a clear, unobstructed view of your partner ecosystem, ensuring clarity and efficiency in your operations.

With ZiftONE, Unifyr captures metrics like lead conversion rates, sales cycles, and campaign engagement, offering actionable insights that help businesses make smarter decisions. This transparency ensures suppliers and partners have a 360-degree view of performance, fostering stronger, data-driven partnerships.

Scalability and Flexibility

Traditional PRMs often need help to scale efficiently as businesses grow their partner networks. Unifyr is built to scale seamlessly, whether your partners are resellers, system integrators, or co-selling entities.

Unifyr’s solutions—ZiftONE, Unifyr+, and UnifyrPro—offer flexibility for diverse partner ecosystems. Integrating with CRM and marketing automation systems, Unifyr breaks down data silos, ensuring a holistic view of your partner operations and allowing businesses to expand without being limited by rigid, outdated platforms.

Long-Term Strategic Alignment

Legacy PRMs focus on short-term transactional relationships rather than building strategic, long-term partnerships. Unifyr changes that by fostering a two-way collaboration model, where partners and suppliers collaborate to co-create value, develop strategic initiatives, and grow together over time.

With UnifyrPro, suppliers and partners collaborate on tailored channel strategies and co-marketing efforts, fostering deep relationships beyond short-term sales targets. This strategic alignment ensures that partners generate revenue and grow their skills and expertise in ways that benefit both parties for the long term.

Re-engagement and Activity

Disengagement is a common issue with traditional PRMs that rely on one-way communication. Unifyr resolves this by making partners active collaborators in co-creating marketing content, sharing best practices, and engaging in real-time supplier interactions.

Unifyr’s continuous learning features are a game-changer for partners. They ensure access to the latest training, resources, and tools, keeping partners engaged and confident in promoting your solutions. This approach turns partners into strategic allies committed to driving your success.

Why Unifyr Is the Future of Channel Management

The issues with traditional PRMs—poor partner experience, data fragmentation, lack of scalability, short-sighted relationships, and disengagement—have long frustrated businesses trying to build robust channel ecosystems. Unifyr is the solution that solves these problems by creating a unified, AI-driven platform that adapts to the evolving needs of modern B2B partnerships.

By focusing on collaboration, data integration, and scalable growth, Unifyr redefines partner management. It’s not just about managing transactions—it’s about building long-term, strategic partnerships that drive success for everyone involved.

The Key Takeaways:

  • Unifyr is the future of partner management, addressing the shortcomings of legacy PRMs.
  • With ZiftONE, Unifyr+, and UnifyrPro, businesses get a unified platform that simplifies collaboration, provides real-time data, and ensures scalability.
  • Unifyr enables businesses to move from transactional relationships to strategic, long-term partnerships that drive sustained growth.

Partner management isn’t obsolete—it’s evolving. Unifyr is at the forefront of this evolution, empowering suppliers, partners, and agencies to collaborate, grow, and thrive together.

Ready to see the future of partner management?

Visit to learn how Unifyr can help transform your channel strategy and drive unprecedented growth.