Partner Incentives

You can often focus your channel partners on specific initiatives you want them to perform by providing incentives when they do. This may be specific products or activities.


Who within the channel partner organization should I be offering incentives to?

First the management. Ask them what they want you to do with the SPIF. Some may want you to pay it to them.

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What is a “SPIF”?

A Sales Performance Incentive Fund (SPIF) rewards salespeople for selling your product. These are usually "bonuses" offered.

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How else can I incentivize channel partners besides direct cash payments?

Cash is good short term. Support growing their services business has long term beneficial impact.

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How do I incentivize channel partners?

Helping partners promote and sell their own services around your products will be the best, most effective incentive.

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How can I manage partner commissions and incentives?

Carefully. Many partner executives and owners will not appreciate you paying commissions and incentives directly to their salespeople.

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