Why Join This Webinar?

Analyst firms report two-thirds of all commerce goes through indirect sales, where partners drive the bulk of the business. And why not? A successful partner can provide access to a wider customer base, fast track business expansion and reduce the cost of direct sales and overhead. Seems like a no-brainer, right?

Maybe. A successful partner may lead you to fields of gold, but the foundation for that success requires shifting your mindset. It requires viewing your partners not as independent contractors who’ve signed up to sell your products or services, but as true business partners worthy of the same content, training, and professional development you’d offer your own staff.

According to Aberdeen Group, effectively enabling channel partners leads to 28% shorter sales cycles, 12% higher conversion rates and 10% better quota attainment overall. You know who wants those improvements? Your competitors. And they’re knocking on your partners doors.

Join Peter Zink, Director of Sales Enablement at Sprout Social, and Laz Gonzalez, Chief Strategy Officer at Zift, in How to Make Partner Enablement Your Competitive Differentiator: an interactive webinar about creating loyal, productive partners that generate repeatable revenue. Participants are encouraged to chat away, come off mute, and ask questions as our experts help us navigate the intricacies of partner enablement.

In this session, we’ll unpack:

  • The key building blocks of a partner enablement framework
  • The rewards of enabling partners – and the risks of not doing so
  • What’s working and what’s not when enabling partners
  • Real-life examples of successful partner enablement programs from today’s leading channel suppliers

Want to keep those competitors at bay? Sign up today.

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